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A note from Blue Cross going out to folks with Medicare coverage.

For any Liberal or Conservative person, old or young, Democrat or Republican or Independent it's worth considering a few things about the Healthcare bill.

1) It was created and passed 100% by Democrats who bear total responsibility for this bill and it's content.
2) NO Republicans voted for this healthcare bill.
3) Nancy Pelosi, then speaker of the House, stated "We have to pass the bill in order to see what's in it".
4) Obama, before his election, promised that it would not be politics as usual and that his administration would be much more transparent with Bills being put online so the public could see them and then submit their input before Congress would vote on the bills. Yet this Bill was not put on the web, even most of those who voted for it didn't know was was in it and it was not really voted one in the end as it was deemed passed in order to get it to the President before it could be sent back to the Senate because they knew it wouldn't pass on it's own as it was.
5)  It was said not to be a tax all along it being drafted and while Congress voted for it yet in order to attempt to pass it through the Supreme court it was argued to be a tax and finally Justice Roberts agreed that the ONLY way it would be legal is if it was and is a tax so it is a tax or it's non-constitutional yet after the ruling the Democrats and the Administration vigorously argued that it was not a tax yet again.
6)  The people that are having to pay this 150% increase are NOT the RICH but mostly Retired people and people on Disability, the people who can least afford it.

It should be remembered this was the creation of the Democrats, Passed totally by Democrats and rushed through to keep Republicans, all who voted against it, from being able to filibuster it in the Senate when Scott Brown was elected and would have been in the Senate to vote on it.
A message from Blue Cross Blue Shield
Professor Emeritus John W. Hill, JD, PhD
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Look clearly at the 2014 rate compared to the 2013 rate.

For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It's short, but
important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:

"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present
Monthly Fee of $96.40, rising to:

$104.20 in 2012

$120.20 in 2013


$247.00 in 2014."

These are Provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely
delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns. Send this to
all Seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the
Peggy Riehle
Internal Representative
Network Contracting

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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