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All pet lovers have been there

Some pets know they are going to the vet

Pets have a way of enlightening your life and bringing pleasure into our lives but pets also have a personality of their own as well as an intelligence of their own.  Some are smarter and more perceptive than others and the story associated with this link will remind fellow pet owners of times that they had to take their pet to the vet.

Just like humans don't like trips to the doctor, pets detest going to the vet and each has their own way at showing their dislike of that specific trip.  I know I once had a Sheltie that was extremely intelligent and she knew within minutes of getting in the car if we were headed to the vet and she would just start shaking violently.  She would even get so bad as to shake the entire car so pets do have a sense when they are headed somewhere like the vet, at least at times they do,   If the above link doesn't work try the one below this.  

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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