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Reply to "Ars Gratia Artis"

budsfarm posted:

ars gratia artis. ars· gra·tia ar·tis. noun. The definition of ars gratia artis is Latin for art for art's sake, the motto for the American media company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, to designate art that is independent of political and social requirements.

Contendahh obviously doesn't know what "ars gratia artis" means.

But at least we know what section of the newspaper he gets his news from.

That's two 'toons back to back.

Please, sir, impress us with another.



I knew exactly what ars gratia artis means. Now--since you are so alert to cartoons and "back-to-back" posting, I suggest you stay alert for the kind of repetitive stuff we get here all the time from the resident harridan and address your next set of critical remarks to her.

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