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Battery powered Scooters

I don't know if this is the place or venue to make such a statement but not knowing for sure I'll venture a guess and forgive me if I am wrong.

My wife is increasingly having a very difficult time walking and getting around unassisted and has had to have the assistance of a cane for quite a while now but as the times go by things are getting worse, for her.  We've discussed surgery, hip and/or knee replacement, and other methods that might give her some relief but we are also trying to be proactive with this rather than delaying until we come up and have to make a decision, hopefully not on the spur of the moment.

We may be looking at having to purchase or seek out one of these battery powered scooters.  There are products from a company called "Drive Medical" , "Pride Mobility",  and of course "Hoveround".   I'm talking about those with some power behind them and not the highly limited ones that you see and use in the supermarkets or local stores.  I'm talking about the ones you can maneuver around the park or walking areas and outside as well as in the house.   We've never dealt with these before and neither of us want to think about having to go there now but we are also not sticking our head in the sand and living in denial.  None of these are inexpensive and while there is some help with insurance companies it's still a very costly venture unless you somehow are in the right place at the right time and find someone's family who needs to get rid of one due to the passing of the person that was using it.  Also there is the transporting of the device in that none of them are really that compact and easy to transport around, or so it seems.

That said I'm asking for any advice or recommendations from anyone if you are somehow qualified to know about these or have had prior experience knowing what to look for and specifically what to look out for.  If you know of any URL/sites where pre-owned models are sold or discussed.  All comments are appreciated and if you would rather not make them public then please feel free to create a Private dialog with me to keep it more private and secluded.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

Last edited by gbrk
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