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Reply to "How's that minimum wage hike working for Seattle? Not so well. A $15 minimum wage appears to be too high"

Seems like most highlighted in bold was predicted.  Actually told as such by small business owners as to what would happen.  Was anyone on record as being surprised?  Liberals who just played stupid for the good of the cause?

A rising tide floats not all boats.  Rising consumer costs due to a rise in "entry level" minimum wage in housing construction for instance is going to substantially increase the cost for rental of a employee who works for a company with less than 30.  And the poor get poorer.

Minimum wage was meant to sustain minimum economic status, not advance it.  Advancing economic status is based on the ambition of the worker.

Advancing minimum wage means the customer pays more for less no matter what the economic status of the worker may be.

Saw a "Shades of America" episode lately.  Episodes took place in a coal town that had shut down.  The black host, as he always does whenever there are blacks and whites, separates them though the root cause of the problem [coal] is the same.  There in the black meeting hall [never showed a white one] as the local blacks lamented their loss of the coal mine, one could not help but notice hanging on a wall was an Obama "hope and change" poster.  It was clear it did not occur to them who got them in this mess and without a doubt voted HRC who they believe was going to get them out.  Not with jobs, but with government handouts.

Another scene was when the black host was walking downtown through the poorest town in American [in coal country] along with a city councilwoman.  He remarked how clean it was.  They were ready to go back to business.


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