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Originally Posted by Quaildog:

If 100 percent of doctors belonged to the AMA this conversation would not be taking place. Doctors would be making the money and big-for profit hospitals wouldn't be forcing the gummit to provide OBAMA CARE. Like I said ack-like-da-foo and Uncle Sam will take it up.

Many doctors are dropping out of insurance altogether and going for a monthly fee or yearly fee. Several were on Mike Huckabee's program discussing their solutions. One charged a $50 per month fee that covered anything that could be done in the office. He did X-rays, EKGs, labs,  etc., all included in the $50 fee. Any number of visits were covered, even if you saw the guy 10 times a month.  Others did the same thing with a yearly fee of $2000 and even a family fee of about $3000. Considering that any of those would be a fraction of insurance premiums, no waiting times, all services covered, and see who you want; I think the doctors have figured out how to survive the Obamanation of Unaffordable Care.

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