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Our Nation has been taken over and we just didn't now it

When politically appointed Federal Judges can overturn Presidential directives and overturn legitimate electorial outcomes then they have become unelected dictators in their own rights.

When Trump makes a directive, executive order, within the rights and powers of the Office of the President and a group of political opponents can then have that oveerturned or stopped from a politically appointed Judge then we have reached a dangerous point in or Nation.  Here you have a politically appointed federal Judge overturning a Presidential directive that the President is well within his power to issue and nothing is done about it.  The Supreme Court should immediatly get involved in such cases and shut down such efforts as it's nothing less than a political takeover of our Nation.  

Likewise if you remember that not too long ago voters of California voted to ban homosexual marriages or some proposition like that and some single appointed federal jjudge just overturned the results of the election on his own. Never mind that the Judge was Gay, himself, thus had a reason to recuse himself, he overturned the whole election result of those voters who came and legally cast ballots.  

It seems to me when we have politically appointed Federal Judges that have that kind of power and can do this without any penalty or censure then we have a quasi unelected government operating that can circumvent and overrule our existing government.  Where is the Supreme Court in cases like this?  There should be ways to remove judges that abuse their position and go outsides the Constitution in order to achieve political goals.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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