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Tips of a Mighty Big Iceberg - so to say

It seems, now like, everyone is starting to come out of the woodwork claiming that they, at one time or another, were propositioned, abused, or harassed sexually by someone in Hollywood.  Whether Actors, Directors, Producers etc and not to forget the Music Industry, one only wonders if everyone tells what  all has transpired where it will lead and how many will it entangle?

One thing is for sure and that is all of this transcends political leanings but sure has a lot of people sweating like crazy in an industry that almost everyone has heard had casting couches and other unspoken things that had to happen before someone could "make it".   I guess it could be argued that many other industries could be found to have exactly the same things going on with people in power using their positions to take advantage of people that wanted to advance in that respective business, politics included.   

I wonder if we ever will really hear the end of this or how many more will be revealed before it settles down?

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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