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Trump Fights Non Existent War on Coal

Trump has deregulated the coal industry.  He has regularly patted himself on the back because this was going to produce "so many jobs."  However, the only real effect will be the worsening environmental quality from said deregulation.

With the automation of the coal industry, it is highly unlikely that any jobs will return.  

Per Mr. Seib of the Wall Street Journal on CBS News, "Industry is moving on a long term path away from coal and that's not going to stop."

Per Fox News, Robert Murray whom runs a large coal company stated, "what the President is doing can't bring mining jobs back."

Only 16% of energy consumption in the United States is in the form of coal.  There are less than 70,000 jobs linked to coal production, while renewable energy sources account for over 650,000 jobs in the US.

So there you have it, another Trump promise that was clouded in b.s.   Sure, he can deregulate the industry, but it is a dying industry and those jobs aren't coming back.   The great duper has duped the American public again.

Last edited by MonkeysUncleByMarriage
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