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The degree to which many politicians today suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome means it encompasses everything they do.  They are ineffectual leaders not getting anything done or doing anything for their constituents but spending their total time seeking to impeach Donald Trump.  

Both some Republicans and Democrats have gone to such a degree, account of their own hatred and bias, that they seek a coup over a legally elected President and would gladly sacrifice the National Security or economy if it meant that they could somehow take Trump down. Their actions are borderline treasonous at best yet you don't hear any of them being called on it.

Also it's interesting to watch these Hollywood elite actresses and actors as well as left wing liberals protest Trump.  Their standard cries are of racism and hatred but look at their actions, their conduct, listen to their words.  They, themselves, are filled with hatred, filled with bias and prejudice and are totally unhinged.  They cry about Donald Trump's hatred, just because he wants to limit illegal immigration and unproductive immigration, yet their eyes burn and their face glows red with their own unbridled  anger.  They have become the very thing that they decry and the example that they set is fulfillment of that which they accuse Trump of.  They truly do suffer a form of derangement and their actions also could easily be treated as treasonous for their is no limitations to what they will approve of or condone in order to get Donald Trump out of office.  

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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