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Dinesh D'Souza, Asian-American star of the right wing, was a guest on the Glenn Beck Show. Here is an excerpt from the transcript:

"GLENN: Okay, hang on. Before you go on, when I read this in the article, I immediately looked at Pat and I said, this will connect with people if you say the Story of Stuff. The left, have you seen the Story of Stuff? The left has done the Story of Stuff and we went over that like 18 months ago. That America is consuming all of the world's resources, that America has stolen things from other countries. So this is not a first of all, will you deny the Birther thing?

D'SOUZA: Absolutely.

GLENN: Okay.

D'SOUZA: The Birther thing is a diversion. See, Barack Obama was born August 4th, 1961, and he was born in Hawaii. And the reason we know this, the single best piece of evidence is that there were notices of his birth in two local newspapers."

Exactly the point I have made on these TD forums. If you birthers will not take it from me, maybe you will take it from Dinesh!

Full text of interview:
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At this point what does his country of birth matter? Even IF he was born outside the U.S., that ship has sailed. The reality IS that this man, zer0bama, is the POTUS. I personally don't care where he was born. He could have been born on a crescent moon for all I care, because he is disastrous for the idea that WAS America for this country.
Originally posted by b50m:
If this guy is a star of the right wing, how come I have never heard of him?

Oh, and for the record, I watch Glenn once a week or so, that's all the screaming I can take.

Perhaps, b50m, the galaxy of right wing stars within range of your myopic little telescope is just too small to encompass all the major luminaries of conservatism. The fact that you have never heard of Dinesh D'Souza does not diminish his deservedly high standing in right wing circles. It merely demonstrates the narrowness of your perspective. I am sure you have heard of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and you seem well enough acquainted with Glenn Beck. All of them are mental midgets when compared to D'Souza, but they know how to play the sheeple like a finely-tuned fiddle!
Originally posted by beternU:
...The fact that you have never heard of Dinesh D'Souza does not diminish his deservedly high standing in right wing circles. It merely demonstrates the narrowness of your perspective. I am sure you have heard of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and you seem well enough acquainted with Glenn Beck. All of them are mental midgets when compared to D'Souza...

D'Souza actually spoke at UNA within...I want to say last year...but for sure within the last 2 years.

I kinda like the guy...all though he is kind of the standard "neocon"...but he definitetly has the academic credentials.

What's So Great About America

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