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The network aired a program about nonbelievers that wrongly suggested they not only are a unified group, but the most hated one in the country.

Tuesday night, CNN’s Kyra Phillips spent an hour looking at atheists in America. She followed a nonreligious student at the University of North Georgia who had friction with his religious parents, and she interviewed Richard Dawkins (who seems to be softening with age, if only slightly). Phillips visited a pastor who left his church to start an atheist congregation, and she spoke to another pastor who had lost his faith but still preached every Sunday—he had “a very dark secret,” Phillips narrated with melodrama: “He’s an atheist.”


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I beg to differ, Best.

 At least in the northeast, nobody really seems to care who believes what or not.  I knew many open atheists in the southern New England and NYC areas.  It just doesn't matter to most people up there whether someone is a nonbeliever or even a 'different believer.'. The entire 33 years I lived in Connecticut, the subject of my or anybody else's faith or lack thereof was rarely a topic for discussion-and even then it was a brief, matter-of-fact thing.  Nobody really cared.


That's why I'm so amazed by the shenanigans of the god-bots down here.  

Down here, I've seen christians shun other people whose flavor of christianity has a different name...


People screaming at others from street corners telling us we're all worthless, hellbound sinners and such crap.  Back home we'd call that a manifestation of a 'mental illness' and said corner-screamer would most likely get hauled in for disturbing the peace. That kind of public douchebaggery isn't tolerated where I'm from.


Lotsa ill-informed people think atheists are devil worshippers.  And by 'lotsa ill-informed people' I mean 'christian fundies' because to them, anything that isn't 'christian' is 'of the devil.'. Apparently they either don't have the *ability* to consider any other possibility or they actively ignore any other possibility.  I suspect the former more than the latter, 'round here, anyway.  (I've seen plenty of these zipperheads since I've been here.)

Last edited by Road Puppy
Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

I beg to differ, Best.

That's why I'm so amazed by the shenanigans of the god-bots down here.  

People screaming at others from street corners telling us we're all worthless, hellbound sinners and such crap.  

Lotsa ill-informed people think atheists are devil worshippers.  And by 'lotsa ill-informed people' I mean 'christian fundies' because to them, anything that isn't 'christian' is 'of the devil.'. Apparently they either don't have the *ability* to consider any other possibility or they actively ignore any other possibility.  


Where, in this area, are those people that's screaming at others from street corners? I haven't seen any & I want to check them out.

Pup, I don't mean this rude or to be ugly, I'm just curious. I don't think I've ever seen you say anything positive about this area or the State of Alabama in general. It's always been pretty much putting the area & those of us that were born/raised here down, as though we're all a bunch of stupid rednecks. Just curious why you live here if you hate it/us so bad?

Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

I beg to differ, Best.

 At least in the northeast, nobody really seems to care who believes what or not.  I knew many open atheists in the southern New England and NYC areas.  It just doesn't matter to most people up there whether someone is a nonbeliever or even a 'different believer.'. The entire 33 years I lived in Connecticut, the subject of my or anybody else's faith or lack thereof was rarely a topic for discussion-and even then it was a brief, matter-of-fact thing.  Nobody really cared.


That's why I'm so amazed by the shenanigans of the god-bots down here.  

Down here, I've seen christians shun other people whose flavor of christianity has a different name...


People screaming at others from street corners telling us we're all worthless, hellbound sinners and such crap.  Back home we'd call that a manifestation of a 'mental illness' and said corner-screamer would most likely get hauled in for disturbing the peace. That kind of public douchebaggery isn't tolerated where I'm from.


Lotsa ill-informed people think atheists are devil worshippers.  And by 'lotsa ill-informed people' I mean 'christian fundies' because to them, anything that isn't 'christian' is 'of the devil.'. Apparently they either don't have the *ability* to consider any other possibility or they actively ignore any other possibility.  I suspect the former more than the latter, 'round here, anyway.  (I've seen plenty of these zipperheads since I've been here.)




That kind of public douchebaggery isn't tolerated where I'm from.


Yeah, because we all know where you come from you're


buh buh buh buh bad.


bad to duh bone,


And where outlaw bikers chasing you, your greatest fear is pedestrian preachers


The voices you hear are in your head.


Where you come from.  

Last edited by budsfarm

Rednecks and white trash come from all across the country. We have the news stories, and articles with the pictures to prove it, along with dealing with folks on the phone or who have moved to the area. Semi, funny how one can avoid such as the gang members in a big city but have problems with a few 'rednecks' on their cell phones in little 'hick' towns.

Last edited by Bestworking

Semi:  Just about every 'First Friday' in Florence I've been to, some self-righteous jagoff always sets up a step stool in the street and gets up on it and starts waving his bible around and yelling at everybody within earshot about how we're all worthless sinners and we're all going to burn in hell.

  The last one I heard was a fat, older guy named Darrell who musta been slightly sloshed because he was having trouble keeping his fat ass up on the stool.

  Then there's the righteous on the west side. Standing on the corner with the "REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED FOR FORGIVENESS OF SIN!!!!111ONEONE 

I don't fear pedestrian preachers, bud.  They're merely an annoyance and a curiosity.  It isn't tolerated where I come from because the cops don't usually attend the same church.  That and us northeasterers don't really get off on self-flagellation like you bible belters.

   Also, two words.  Latin Kings.  Nasty baastids, them.  As I'm sure you've heard, things happen in other parts of the country that aren't Mayberry.  That's where they are especially around the Big Apple-and they're pretty indiscriminate sometimes when choosing targets. That time it was a guy on a bike splitting lanes through heavy traffic.  (Was it Hemingway?)who said something like " there is no other feeling quite as exhilarating as being shot at without result."  Well, he was right. 

 Those who spend their days complacently munching chicken fangers with raynch dippin' sauce at the local choke-n-puke between momma's house and the church prolly won't ever see stuff like that, but if you're not timid and your ass is out there all the time, it's bound to happen eventually.

  Just because *you* can't comprehend it doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Yes. Like Best said.  The world is full of bad people.  I've met a few of them.


Semi, the religious freaks aside-I've mentioned lotsa times about all the good folks I've met here.  Apparently you must not have wanted to hear that part. Where do you get that I 'hate' anybody from?  I never said I hated anybody.

Is hate the only emotion you can recognize?  Or is it the only one you're actually looking for?

  I'm genuinely curious.





Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

Semi, the religious freaks aside-I've mentioned lotsa times about all the good folks I've met here.  Apparently you must not have wanted to hear that part. Where do you get that I 'hate' anybody from?  I never said I hated anybody.

Is hate the only emotion you can recognize?  Or is it the only one you're actually looking for?

  I'm genuinely curious.  


And I'll give you a genuinely honest answer & I won't give you any rude, hurtful remarks like you just gave me with your "Is hate the only emotion you can recognize?  Or is it the only one you're actually looking for?"  I ask you an genuinely curious question & that's what I get?

I feel a variety of emotions, just as I'm sure you do. What is it about my question that caused you to accuse me of looking for or the only emotion I have is hate? I let you know right off that I didn't mean my question to be rude or to be ugly, that I was just curious.


Read my post again, show me where I said you hated anyone. I never said that! What I said was...."Just curious why you live here IF you hate it/us so bad?" If you have ever mentioned "the good folks" or anything positive about Alabama, I guess it didn't stand out. If you go back & look, the majority of your remarks are about how people in Alabama can't drive. You refer to us as idiots, that Alabama is full dumb azz rednecks, "religious freaks", etc. Yes, Alabama seems to have more than it's share of religious folks but you are living in the Bible Belt of the United States. But it's not just Alabama that has them. It just happens to be Alabama where you're seeing them. 


When I said that people in the South have brains that just can't comprehend someone not believing in/loving/worshipping God, I didn't mean that they're bad people. They actually, honestly cannot comprehend someone not believing in God. Those people you call "freaks" that preach on the street corners are probably not bad people. They go over board with their religion but I don't think that makes them bad people. 

As I said, I didn't mean my question to you as rude or ugly. I was, as you put your question, genuinely curious. I can find dozens of post where you have posted negative things about Alabama, especially this area, & the people that live here. I was "genuinely curious" why you lived here if that's the way you feel about Alabama & it's people.



Pup, nothing but my curiosity, no hate intended, but when you mentioned the guy named Darrell, why mention his being fat, or his having trouble keeping his "fat ass" on the stool? Do you have a problem with people that are over weight?


You posted to Bud that pedestrian preachers annoy you. It's called Freedom of Speech. No one could stop you if you wanted to put your butt on a stool [notice I didn't refer to you as fat  ] & shout your opinion of Atheism. If they annoy you, stay away from where they are.

You also told Bud that "us northeasterers" don't really get off on self-flagellation like "you bible belters". I'm sure Bud won't appreciate being referred to as a "bible belter" that gets off on self-flagellation & the tone with which it came across, just as you didn't seem to appreciate my "genuinely curious" question to you. My question to you was much nicer than the way you seem to come across to Bud. But again, if you see yourself as a "northeasterer", why live in Alabama? 


And just to let you know, I'm not feeling hate toward you or anyone, & No, I'm actually really not looking for any.

Semi wrote: "Just curious why you live here if you hate it/us so bad?"

If yer gonna highlight what you said for my benefit-highlight *all* of it. That *IF* doesn't change squat.

That's a pretty clear assumption that I hate Alabama and it's people.  Bad, even. THAT'S where you said it.

  I never said I hated anybody. So far, the good ones outnumber the bad ones.  If the situation ever inverts, I'll move on.


Those freaks that you say aren't bad people are the same ones who are telling you and me how defective and hellbound we are because we aren't grovelling and giving skyfairy ten percent of our income.

  Those same people are basically abusing their children by threatening them with a made-up place of eternal torture if they're not good.  The same people who look down their noses at the poor, the homosexuals, and anybody who doesn't look, act, or think just like them.  In other words, not very christ-like, these christians.


Wait...... Please tell me again about how they're not bad people???  Ya ne ponimayu...?

And CNN calls atheists bad?  Sheeeei.....


I don't have a problem with obese people-I have a problem with obese people telling me how f#$ed-up *I* am...  If you're (not you personally, semi-let's just clear that up straight away so we don't hafta go around THAT particular block again..) happy with being yelled at and called a POS cockroach sinner by some whackjob on a stool in the middle ofnthe road...knock yaself out... I'mma go get me some Burrito Supremo and a cold Corona at Rosie's.  


Maybe you're possibly just overly defensive by nature?  Ya ne umeyu....


I said I was genuinely curious.  Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems you read hate into a lot of things. It's the impression I get.

Just know that I don't really care if you do or not.  It's none of my business and I'm not worried about it.

And....NO. They cannot drive worth $#!t.  I have not met even ONE courteous driver in the five years I've lived here.  Everybody's driving HUA on the phone, oblivious to the world around them untill they bounce off of somebody.  That woman out in Central GOT RUN OVER after she fell off a four wheeler... How in thee hell do you NOT SEE A BODY IN THE ROAD!!!???

  How do you drive into the back of a STOPPED SCHOOL BUS AT APPROX. 70MPH?????  

You have your face stuffed in your phone taking selfies instead of looking where yer going. That's how.

Never anywhere else have I seen the level of stupidity displayed by the drivers around here.

ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY *NOBODY* signals their intentions to turn around here- unless (HERP-DE-DERP-DERP) their signalling for the car in front of them which is unsafe, illegal, and incredibly stupid.

PROVE ME WRONG.  I dare ya. 







Last edited by Road Puppy

Well semi, I got home from the Shoals around 2:30. Enjoyable time, no wild rednecks on their cell phones, polite people, spoke proper English, you can tell they are able to write it too, no Steven King wannabes (jes sayin), courteous drivers, people using signals properly, but the best part, no carloads of gang members chasing anyone and firing machine guns at them.

Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Well semi, I got home from the Shoals around 2:30. Enjoyable time, no wild rednecks on their cell phones, polite people, spoke proper English, you can tell they are able to write it too, no Steven King wannabes (jes sayin), courteous drivers, people using signals properly, but the best part, no carloads of gang members chasing anyone and firing machine guns at them.




And no one interfered with your First and Second Amendments rights?





ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY *NOBODY* signals their intentions to turn around here- unless (HERP-DE-DERP-DERP) their signalling for the car in front of them which is unsafe, illegal, and incredibly stupid.

PROVE ME WRONG.  I dare ya.




I'll be more than happy to take that dare.


Because I do.


Now, hotshot, whatca wanna do about it.

ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY *NOBODY* signals their intentions to turn around here- unless (HERP-DE-DERP-DERP) their signalling for the car in front of them which is unsafe, illegal, and incredibly stupid.

PROVE ME WRONG.  I dare ya.



Oh good grief. What a load of manure. You act like no one but you is even capable of driving. 



Originally Posted by budsfarm:


ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY *NOBODY* signals their intentions to turn around here- unless (HERP-DE-DERP-DERP) their signalling for the car in front of them which is unsafe, illegal, and incredibly stupid.

PROVE ME WRONG.  I dare ya.




I'll be more than happy to take that dare.


Because I do.


Now, hotshot, whatca wanna do about it.



I'm gonna keep my eye open for ya, bud. That's what I'm gonna do about it. 'S all I can do in this sea of cellphone yakking morons.

Best, yer awful defensive for somebody who does everything right...

You folks get your feelings hurt pretty easily.  Makes me wonder how long it'll be before y'all run outta talent and start bustin' caps up in here.



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  • pc__yosemite_sam_by_lotusbandicoot-d707gc3
Say what you want about the south but no one retires and moves up north!
Many times up north people ask me if I am in the military and when I say no, and ask why.   They tell me they notice my good manners and I laugh and say no mam or sir I am just from the south.  At 52 most everybody is still mam and sir and I allways try to say hello, please and Thank You.
Originally Posted by budsfarm:
Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Well semi, I got home from the Shoals around 2:30. Enjoyable time, no wild rednecks on their cell phones, polite people, spoke proper English, you can tell they are able to write it too, no Steven King wannabes (jes sayin), courteous drivers, people using signals properly, but the best part, no carloads of gang members chasing anyone and firing machine guns at them.




And no one interfered with your First and Second Amendments rights?




I might go to the flea market today. There will be 'northerners/yankees' standing outside smoking. There will be the typical one, stringy haired with a home bleach job, in shorts and flip flops, telling the folks wearing jackets that they 'don't know what cold is' while their beer bellied, snaggled toothed husbands grin in agreement.


Last edited by Bestworking
Originally Posted by Bestworking:
Originally Posted by budsfarm:
Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Well semi, I got home from the Shoals around 2:30. Enjoyable time, no wild rednecks on their cell phones, polite people, spoke proper English, you can tell they are able to write it too, no Steven King wannabes (jes sayin), courteous drivers, people using signals properly, but the best part, no carloads of gang members chasing anyone and firing machine guns at them.




And no one interfered with your First and Second Amendments rights?




I might go to the flea market today. There will be 'northerners/yankees' standing outside smoking. There will be the typical one, stringy haired with a home bleach job, in shorts and flip flops, telling the folks wearing jackets that they 'don't know what cold is' while their beer bellied, snaggled toothed husbands grin in agreement.




Now see hear, that quote is a perfect example of how, we as forum readers, should read a post a full way through before coming to any conclusion.

Because if I had stopped at yankee, smoking, with stringy hair, I would have bet good money Best was talking about the husband.  Bless his heart.


Last edited by budsfarm
Originally Posted by Road Puppy:
Originally Posted by budsfarm:


ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY *NOBODY* signals their intentions to turn around here- unless (HERP-DE-DERP-DERP) their signalling for the car in front of them which is unsafe, illegal, and incredibly stupid.

PROVE ME WRONG.  I dare ya.




I'll be more than happy to take that dare.


Because I do.


Now, hotshot, whatca wanna do about it.



I'm gonna keep my eye open for ya, bud. That's what I'm gonna do about it. 'S all I can do in this sea of cellphone yakking morons.

Best, yer awful defensive for somebody who does everything right...

You folks get your feelings hurt pretty easily.  Makes me wonder how long it'll be before y'all run outta talent and start bustin' caps up in here.




Is this part of the dare?


Then I'll keep an eye out for you, too Pup.  I don't particularly like the idea of sharing the same road with someone who has confessed to a propensity towards road rage going so far as to describe the act  as well as how one wishes their driving career to end in a ball of fire which would obviously bring harm to others.


But on the other hand, you'll be easy to spot, huh?  The gang bangers picked you out pdq. 


To make it easy for you to find me, I'll be the one using my signals and but not my cell.

Last edited by budsfarm

Well, Pup, I'm not going to quote the nonsense you shouted from the "street corner on your stool". I will say you don't get it & I think that's because you don't want to. Sounds to me like you're right & the rest of us stupid rednecks are wrong. (that is the way you come across)

As soon as I get time, I'll find some of those many negative post you've made about Alabama & the people that live here. There's dozens of them & will far outrank any what you call "positive" ones. 


It you don't have a problem with obese people, why mention their being obese at all?

You said you get the impression that I read hate into a lot of things. What about you Pup? What about the impression we get from you when you shout your hate of Alabama & it's people? You can say all day long that you don't, but it's even right here in this discussion, in back/white.

BTW, I would still like to know why you're living in Alabama? It's clear to all of us how you feel about this beautiful state of ours.


And all those negative things you said about people in Alabama? It's amazing that doesn't ever happen in the north. Maybe you should go back?

And like Bud, I'll be more than happy to take your dare, because I do also.

Originally Posted by semiannualchick:

Well, Pup, I'm not going to quote the nonsense you shouted from the "street corner on your stool". I will say you don't get it & I think that's because you don't want to. Sounds to me like you're right & the rest of us stupid rednecks are wrong. (that is the way you come across)

As soon as I get time, I'll find some of those many negative post you've made about Alabama & the people that live here. There's dozens of them & will far outrank any what you call "positive" ones. 


It you don't have a problem with obese people, why mention their being obese at all?

You said you get the impression that I read hate into a lot of things. What about you Pup? What about the impression we get from you when you shout your hate of Alabama & it's people? You can say all day long that you don't, but it's even right here in this discussion, in back/white.

BTW, I would still like to know why you're living in Alabama? It's clear to all of us how you feel about this beautiful state of ours.


And all those negative things you said about people in Alabama? It's amazing that doesn't ever happen in the north. Maybe you should go back?

And like Bud, I'll be more than happy to take your dare, because I do also.


Heheh... Ok, semi. Knock yaself out.

But before you go doing anything, of the sort, I want ya to go back up near the beginning of this thread where Best initially made the statement about how it's worse *outside* the south with people having brains that are not capable of not being religious in contrast to *your* post stating just the opposite.


Notice that I agreed with you, semi, the southerner........ who made that very honest and straightforward statement, because I also get that impression about many in the south.  Then I posted a rebuttal to Best's statement as a counterpoint from someone who has spent the majority of his life outside the south (but has lived here before)-after which you, then bud, then Best all jumped on the butthurt express and totally went off topic and turned the whole thread into an attack on *me*. (Albeit on a third-grade level, but I expect that around here, mostly.).


Tell me then....Who's hatin'on who here?

Judging by what I read in the papers down here, if we were in church instead of on a newspaper forum, you guys woulda started shooting by now.  ("Goldang furriners!")


If there's one thing I've noticed on these forums, with a couple of exceptions, most here get their feelings bruised quite easily-and it seems that the more 'conservative' they are, the bigger the buttache.


But I digress even farther...back on topic.


Supernatural 'devils' are boolsheet in my opinion.  However I do acknowledge that evil exists- The world is full of bad people, and I posit that atheists are not necessarily evil-but that 'closed-minded people' are usually the perpetrators of evil.


If CNN is looking for devils, they can start with the teabaggers.  From what I can tell there's a high ratio of evil-to-idiots there.  









Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Not the least bit defensive. I think you need to 'see' what others think of the folks that come here from the "north" that apparently had no upbringing so they have no manners and for some reason a sense that they are better than other folks, no matter their own station in life.

Incest is legal in New Joisey, anything goes as long as both are 18 years of age.  I think manners are the least of their worries.

Ah! Now ya's got Hoobergoober in on it!  I love it! LOL.


Just like you, Best don't care what northerners think, neither do I hafta care what you think.

Now that we've established that fact, can you suck it up and get past it like a big girl?

(I bet you can't, but hey....)

  My upbringing was just fine. My parents taught me that there's no need to kiss up to my peers all the time.

*I* need to see?  It's a good thing yer not religious, Best.  Otherwise I might get the impression you were trying to shove something down my throat. My 'station in life?'. Oh, that's hilarious!  Holier than me, are you?   Listen to yourself. Heh.

I'd ask ya why it's so hard to believe that unconventional things happen to unconventional people, but I realize that if you've spent your life in Hooterville munchin' hawg maws it might be incomprehensible.


 The tea party? Nothing except closed-mindedness, which I believe is one cause of evil.  The tea party had about as much to to with your OP as *I* did.  Until you and semi and bud and now Ubergoober made it that way.  At least I tried to stay on topic.




Last edited by Road Puppy
Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

Ah! Now ya's got Hoobergoober in on it!  I love it! LOL.


Just like you, Best don't care what northerners think, neither do I hafta care what you think.

Now that we've established that fact, can you suck it up and get past it like a big girl?

(I bet you can't, but hey....)

  My upbringing was just fine. My parents taught me that there's no need to kiss up to my peers all the time.

*I* need to see?  It's a good thing yer not religious, Best.  Otherwise I might get the impression you were trying to shove something down my throat. My 'station in life?'. Oh, that's hilarious!  Holier than me, are you?   Listen to yourself. Heh.

I'd ask ya why it's so hard to believe that unconventional things happen to unconventional people, but I realize that if you've spent your life in Hooterville munchin' hawg maws it might be incomprehensible.



Did your folks teach you to tell those tall tales? Again, show me where I attacked you. Guilty dog barking? Sounds like you were the one in hooterville munching hawg maws. That and dreaming up those wild tales.


Last edited by Bestworking

 IMO your attempts to insult the area/South was, at first, kind of sad. I felt like you were here with no friends or family, homesick, and bitter at having to move so I chalked it down to that. After all the tall tales you spun, and the way you wanted to post, (like people talk like you post), or if they did like they'd post that. In 'real life' if you were 'jest sayin and doncha knowing, running words together and herping derping' I'd ask you to try to speak English. That act got old fast, and tall tales told as the truth instead of in jest are embarassing for the teller even though they don't know it. Thus the expression "I was embarassed for him". Just because the majority of the people in the South are too polite to call someone on the tall tales doesn't mean they are a bunch of rubes that are being impressed by the stories. 
If I remember correctly you posted that you came here because you needed a job. Apparently you couldn't find one in that wonderful utopia you speak so highly of where only they know how to drive and behave. It's not our fault your paradise fell apart. Maybe you should have assessed yourself to see if you were worth what you think you should be paid, the job you should have, or if you should be hired at all. Maybe not that many are eager to hire someone that doesn't think they need to be well groomed, well spoken, polite, without a chip on their shoulder-well, you get my drift.

Originally Posted by Bestworking:
Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

Ah! Now ya's got Hoobergoober in on it!  I love it! LOL.


Just like you, Best don't care what northerners think, neither do I hafta care what you think.

Now that we've established that fact, can you suck it up and get past it like a big girl?

(I bet you can't, but hey....)

  My upbringing was just fine. My parents taught me that there's no need to kiss up to my peers all the time.

*I* need to see?  It's a good thing yer not religious, Best.  Otherwise I might get the impression you were trying to shove something down my throat. My 'station in life?'. Oh, that's hilarious!  Holier than me, are you?   Listen to yourself. Heh.

I'd ask ya why it's so hard to believe that unconventional things happen to unconventional people, but I realize that if you've spent your life in Hooterville munchin' hawg maws it might be incomprehensible.



Did your folks teach you to tell those tall tales? Again, show me where I attacked you. Guilty dog barking? Sounds like you were the one in hooterville munching hawg maws. That and dreaming up those wild tales.



Sez Best: "Did your folks teach you to tell those tall tales? Again, show me where I attacked you. Guilty dog barking"


Just like global climate change-just because you can't believe it from your Mayberry standpoint doesnt mean it didn't happen.

  You started taking potshots at me by ricocheting them off of semi and then bud.  Then you have the 'nads to say 'who? moi?' HAAHahaha.  Yer funny.  Not very inventive, but funny.


Originally Posted by Bestworking:

 IMO your attempts to insult the area/South was, at first, kind of sad. I felt like you were here with no friends or family, homesick, and bitter at having to move so I chalked it down to that. After all the tall tales you spun, and the way you wanted to post, (like people talk like you post), or if they did like they'd post that. In 'real life' if you were 'jest sayin and doncha knowing, running words together and herping derping' I'd ask you to try to speak English. That act got old fast, and tall tales told as the truth instead of in jest are embarassing for the teller even though they don't know it. Thus the expression "I was embarassed for him". Just because the majority of the people in the South are too polite to call someone on the tall tales doesn't mean they are a bunch of rubes that are being impressed by the stories. 
If I remember correctly you posted that you came here because you needed a job. Apparently you couldn't find one in that wonderful utopia you speak so highly of where only they know how to drive and behave. It's not our fault your paradise fell apart. Maybe you should have assessed yourself to see if you were worth what you think you should be paid, the job you should have, or if you should be hired at all. Maybe not that many are eager to hire someone that doesn't think they need to be well groomed, well spoken, polite, without a chip on their shoulder-well, you get my drift.


It's not my fault or my problem that you're so literal that you can't speak colorfully (or handle anybody who can), Best.  You must be a quite a bore in real life. Especially with all your constant whining about 'gimmethats.'

 "Jes' sayin'" are your words. I speak with confidence. I don't have a need to be "jes' sayin." LOL!

You only remember what you wanna remember.  Kinda like fundies cherrypickin' scripture.You can call that chicken Bessie all day long but she ain't gonna give ya no milk....

With maybe three or four exceptions, nobody at all is polite here.  Not even with other southerners!

Don't hand me that sanctimonious crap. I'll make a bet with you.  If you can show me anywhere before today you ever referred to me as "sir" at any time, as everybody in this thread is my witness-I'll post a public apology to anybody I may have ever offended on these forums and delete my account and consider myself pwned. (Mind you, I can tell by looking at the page sourçe script if a previous post has been edited and reposted and when and by whom.)

  In the mean time, you can take all your fake rude politeness and bag it and try to sell it to somebody else, cuz I'm not buying it.


The place I work at down here *jumped* at the chance to hire me-a 23 years experienced professional that didn't need any training.  I didn't move down here cuz I couldn't find a job-I left a job up there that paid five times more to come down here.  Try paying attention with the other end.



BTW-I was at the flea market last Saturday for a couple hours with one of the animal advocate groups (well, once I could find a decent parking space in the middle of that Hee-Haw fuster cluck), and ya know who I saw standing outside smoking in all their fat, filthy, toothess glory?  Not northerners! Nope.

Ya know how I could tell?  Because they sounded like this:



Yeah. *Not* New Yorkers, just porkers. LOL!


Dang, Best.  You gotcher knickers in such a wad, you hijacked yer own thread....


Last edited by Road Puppy
Originally Posted by HIFLYER2:

There is part of the difference it's not kissing up to peers, it's called manners and respect, unless the others actions dictate otherwise.



Yes, and you're absolutely correct, Hi. Except you know as well as I do that to get respect, you must first be respectable.  Bill Gray found that out almost immediately after his spiel to me about being surely hellbound.

I give what I get around here.  I made a mistake and disrespected Best directly once in a similar thread when she was going by a different username, and I sincerely apologized for it.

However, this time around, all I did was agree with something semi posted and rebut what Best had posted.  They and bud  immediately jumped on the butthurt wagon and aimed it at me (as you can see how this thread has completely deviated from where it started, so intent on 'putting me in my place' as they are...)

I give everybody common courtesy and respect initially-until they prove that they're not worthy of it.

I seem to remember tons of sucking up amd ma'aming and sirring and spastic hat-tipping and such from when I used to live here. I still give the same respect and courtesy to strangers and my elders (Again, until they show me they don't deserve it.  You don't get a pass to be a jackwagon just because you're old or because I'm not familiar with you.)

Once I am familiar with you, I tend to drop the formalities. Once we know each other-even in a public forum sense, all that ass-kissing is really unnecessary.

Hard to believe as it may be, most from these forums who've actually met me seem to like me. Even one or three who haven't actually met me say they do.... So...

I must be doing something right. 

But if people think I'm going to stroke them after chimping out calling me a POS liberal or gimmethat or any number of things people call each other in the political bongo-parties that go on in these forums, no... No they can bite me and I'm not obligated to show them any respect.




Last edited by Road Puppy


There’s a lot of “for instance” comments in several things you’ve posted just here in this topic. If they're not intended as insults of us & the South, then what would you call it? It's for sure not funny.


(Albeit on a third-grade level, but I expect that around here, mostly).


Judging by what I read in the papers down here, if we were in church instead of on a newspaper forum, you guys woulda started shooting by now.  ("Goldang furriners!")


If there's one thing I've noticed on these forums, with a couple of exceptions, most here get their feelings bruised quite easily-and it seems that the more 'conservative' they are, the bigger the buttache.


If CNN is looking for devils, they can start with the teabaggers……What does this have to do with this discussion?


I realize that if you've spent your life in Hooterville munchin' hawg maws it might be incomprehensible.


Until you and semi and bud and now Ubergoober made it that way.

Why did you feel the need to insult him by not using the correct ID?


just because you can't believe it from your Mayberry standpoint doesnt mean it didn't happen.


With maybe three or four exceptions, nobody at all is polite here. 

Then what are you doing on this forum?


I didn't move down here cuz I couldn't find a job-I left a job up there that paid five times more to come down here.  Try paying attention with the other end


With the economy as bad as it's been for the past several years, we're supposed to believe you left a job that paid five times more to come to the South? Really? No application, they just happened to find you & picked you out of the blue?

Listen with the other end & that's not an insult?


once I could find a decent parking space in the middle of that Hee-Haw fuster cluck), and ya know who I saw standing outside smoking in all their fat, filthy, toothess glory?  Not northerners

We’re supposed to be impressed by your Redneck Rampage? I would say you're making fun of the South & those of us that were born/live here.


They and bud  immediately jumped on the butthurt wagon and aimed it at me (as you can see how this thread has completely deviated from where it started, so intent on 'putting me in my place' as they are...)

You've used the term butthurt more than once? Is that supposed to mean something to us "Southerners"?

No one is trying to "put you in your place". I started this discussion when I mentioned never having seen you say anything positive about this area, it's people or the State of Alabama. That you talked like we were all a bunch of stupid rednecks. Didn't mean anything rude or ugly but you jumped all over me about it.


I agree with Best that at first your attempts to insult the area/South was kind of sad. I also thought maybe you were here with no friends or family, homesick, and bitter at having to move. But after your constant insults of the South, I didn't feel sorry for you anymore. I saw your insults exactly in the way you meant them but I don't find it cute/funny as you seem to.


Where exactly did Politics come into this topic? Nobody has ask you to stroke them as far as I've seen, anytime on this forum. I haven't seen you called a POS liberal or gimme-that once in this topic. If you think this discussion is a political bongo-party, you need to re-check yourself at the door. I don't think anyone here wants to "bite you" and/or ask you to show them any respect. It would be nice to see you be a little more respectful of the South & it's people, but that's your call to make. No one can make you do anything you don't want to. If you think it's funny to insult the South, keep having at it.

Originally Posted by Mr. Hooberbloob:
Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Not the least bit defensive. I think you need to 'see' what others think of the folks that come here from the "north" that apparently had no upbringing so they have no manners and for some reason a sense that they are better than other folks, no matter their own station in life.

Incest is legal in New Joisey, anything goes as long as both are 18 years of age.  I think manners are the least of their worries.



Originally Posted by semiannualchick:


There’s a lot of “for instance” comments in several things you’ve posted just here in this topic. If they're not intended as insults of us & the South, then what would you call it? It's for sure not funny.

 I call it handing back what I got for expressing my view.

(Albeit on a third-grade level, but I expect that around here, mostly).


Judging by what I read in the papers down here, if we were in church instead of on a newspaper forum, you guys woulda started shooting by now.  ("Goldang furriners!")


If there's one thing I've noticed on these forums, with a couple of exceptions, most here get their feelings bruised quite easily-and it seems that the more 'conservative' they are, the bigger the buttache.


If CNN is looking for devils, they can start with the teabaggers……What does this have to do with this discussion?




It's called making a comparison point for emphasis.  Something somebody who thinks literally might find hard to grasp.


I realize that if you've spent your life in Hooterville munchin' hawg maws it might be incomprehensible.


Until you and semi and bud and now Ubergoober made it that way.

Why did you feel the need to insult him by not using the correct ID?


Because we got history you're obviously not aware of.  Ubergoober drew first blood in another thread quite some time ago-thereby removing himself from my list of people deserving my respect.  I give what I get here.  I've already made that clear.


just because you can't believe it from your Mayberry standpoint doesnt mean it didn't happen.


With maybe three or four exceptions, nobody at all is polite here. 

Then what are you doing on this forum?


Expressing my views-just like you, but I didn't come here expecting to get my butt kissed.  The internet (and most forums) are big, scary places.  Nobody cares.  You want your hand held and your butt kissed, go to church, not the internet. SRSLY.


I didn't move down here cuz I couldn't find a job-I left a job up there that paid five times more to come down here.  Try paying attention with the other end


With the economy as bad as it's been for the past several years, we're supposed to believe you left a job that paid five times more to come to the South? Really? No application, they just happened to find you & picked you out of the blue?

Listen with the other end & that's not an insult?


No. I found them and they begged me to work for them. They paid so little before the drivers organized they couldn't get good employees and they couldn't keep them. They jumped at the chance to hire two veteran, licensed drivers.  The economy up there was just great until the mortgage crisis.  I found I couldn't continue to pay my $3,000/month mortgage AND fill my 275-gallon heating oil tank twice a month at $6/gallon for the seven months of winter we had back in '07 and '08 and I got behind and lost my house to foreclosure.  Sure. I had a great paying job for what I do, but rents had gone thru the roof by then.  By the time I left in '09, efficiency apartments were going for $1500/month in Fairfield county CT.  (As opposed to the $300/month I pay for a decent sized trailer here.). I loved my job there but could no longer afford to live there.


once I could find a decent parking space in the middle of that Hee-Haw fuster cluck), and ya know who I saw standing outside smoking in all their fat, filthy, toothess glory?  Not northerners

We’re supposed to be impressed by your Redneck Rampage? I would say you're making fun of the South & those of us that were born/live here.


No, I would say you're overly sensitive because I was merely countering Best's derogatory statements about northerners outside the flea market.  The only people I saw/met anywhere at the flea market were as southern redneck as "Redneck Rampage" characters. People walking around with matted hair/ snaggle teeth/ filthy clothes, etc. In other words, people who obviously have no self-pride.  If you purposely go out in public dirty and disheveled, you deserve whatever judgement you get.


They and bud  immediately jumped on the butthurt wagon and aimed it at me (as you can see how this thread has completely deviated from where it started, so intent on 'putting me in my place' as they are...)

You've used the term butthurt more than once? Is that supposed to mean something to us "Southerners"?

No one is trying to "put you in your place". I started this discussion when I mentioned never having seen you say anything positive about this area, it's people or the State of Alabama. That you talked like we were all a bunch of stupid rednecks. Didn't mean anything rude or ugly but you jumped all over me about it.


Butthurt is just what it sounds like. It means the exact same thing to yankees that it does to southerners-it is understood worldwide by  just about everyone under 60, but you'll never hear it on The Andy Griffith Show. . It was Best who made mention of my 'station in life.'.  If yer gonna gimme a hard time, semi-please try to keep up.


I agree with Best that at first your attempts to insult the area/South was kind of sad. I also thought maybe you were here with no friends or family, homesick, and bitter at having to move. But after your constant insults of the South, I didn't feel sorry for you anymore. I saw your insults exactly in the way you meant them but I don't find it cute/funny as you seem to.


Well, then I'm sorry... you've obviously mistaken me for somebody who gives a s#!t.

 I wasn't aware this was a popularity contest-although I *can* say I've done fairly well in that respect if some of the new friends I've made on these forums are any indication.  Seems it's just the bitter, broken old men and the stuck-up women who don't like me, but that's OK. I really have no use for high-maintenance personalities anyway...



Where exactly did Politics come into this topic? Nobody has ask you to stroke them as far as I've seen, anytime on this forum. I haven't seen you called a POS liberal or gimme-that once in this topic. If you think this discussion is a political bongo-party, you need to re-check yourself at the door. I don't think anyone here wants to "bite you" and/or ask you to show them any respect. It would be nice to see you be a little more respectful of the South & it's people, but that's your call to make. No one can make you do anything you don't want to. If you think it's funny to insult the South, keep having at it.

LOL! you are SO LITERAL!  

And so I shall, semi...because I've actually lived in both places and I've seen firsthand the good and bad parts of both of them-and because of how I lived- some parts very few people in *either* place ever get to see in their lifetime.  No, 'literal' semi- no, in *this* topic I havent been called a POS liberal or a gimmethat, but I have been called lots of derogatory things like that directly and indirectly in other threads. Best thinks she's real good at low and sideways attacks using dog-whistle codewords, but she's as predictable as the next sunrise.  Like I said before, just because you didn't see it or comprehend it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.  As far as people wanting me to stroke them....well, those particular people are really good at demanding respect or demeaning me for not giving it to them, (this is what I mean when I talk about people wanting me to stroke them. Sheesh! I gotta 'splain *everything* to you and then you wonder why I mention the third grade mentality!  I've spent the better part of this thread doing NOTHING BUT EXPLAINING STUFF TO ~~~~YOU~~~~) but they truly suck at deserving it.


I don't know if I can break it down any more simply.   Teper' vy ponimayete?









Last edited by Road Puppy

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