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Originally Posted by FirenzeVeritas:

My two points are this:


1. Predators? That would argue the original one cell animal, without Divine help, mutated in several different paths in the same environs. Why? Also, why would the supposedly now smaller life form have the intelligence to transfer itself to land and the predator did not?


Are you saying the all of the oceans are same environment? They are all water-based, but vary wildly in their specifics. And even in a particular locality, those specifics vary over time, even so far as to go from water to land.

I don't get the need for intelligence. No intelligence is required, merely better conditions for living. Life always tries to find a better place, which is why it has spread to pretty much every conceivable niche on this planet.

Predators did transfer to land, they just necessarily did so later then the prey.


2. Lack of space? No, the ocean is quite a bit bigger than any land surfaces. It could migrate up or down, to hotter or colder, etc. That also overlooks the need for a major adaptation to breathing air. The simpler mutation to hot, cold, etc., would have been the logical route. After all, when scientists look for new worlds they seek those with sufficient O2; they don't suggest man be somehow manipulated to breath all nitrogen or whatever.


Space is a local thing. If is crowded where you are, you try to move the nearest place where is less crowded. Not everything will move in the same way or direction. Some things moved towards land, others surely moved deeper or further into the ocean.

Originally Posted by Frankly:
Originally Posted by FirenzeVeritas:


Whoa...please explain that one. Any change is a mutation. Some are more dramatic than others, and of course the mutation has to be viable to survive and reproduce.


So, I'm lost concerning your statement that change can occur without mutation.

 Well, yes and no. THE force behind evolution is "genetic variation." That happen in a number of ways, primarily 1. Decent (combining genes from two parents into one), 2.) Mutation (from radiation and environmental effects), genetic drift/genetic variation (from coding errors), natural/artificial selection and coevolution (where a change in a plant might effect the eating habits of a herbivore for example) .

It is believe that incoming/outgoing tides had a tremendous effect on sea creatures venturing onto land.  Example if the crap. Live in shallow water but adapted to crawl onto land for short periods.  After a couple hundred million years the lowly crab evolved into the  thousands of species of spider that inhabit land. Yep, the spider was once a crab. 

This post is to address that portion of Frankly's post highlighted in Green, above.  I am also copying and pasting from Logical below:  

Sigh. There are numerous examples today of life in various stages of transition from sea to land and vice versa. What exactly do think should exist but does not?

also from Logical
No, God still uses it t this day.  It's just that the time spans involved here blow minds that are limited by delusion. I takes rought 2 million years on acverage for one species to evolve into a seperate species.  Some species adapted much faster. Some much, much longer.  Some, like the aligator, hardly evolve at all for 100 million years because they are so well adapted to their environment and that environment never changed.  It was swampy in Florida 100 million years ago. It's still swampy now. Gators had no reason to adapt.
First of all thank you for your responses that provide answers without seeking to demean, ridicule, or insult those of opposing opinions.  I'm fully aware that many sincere and devoted Christians believe that God used Evolution as the process of establishing life and I don't get tore up with that.  My challenge of Evolution or my objection is not based in my Religious beliefs or my Christianity.  My objection or rejection, better term, of evolution as the process of life, as Darwin started the ball rolling on, is based more on what I perceive as problems with it as an ongoing process.  I use the word transitional or better said incremental transitions from one species to another.  
Take the Crab to Spider for example.  I fully believe if evolution was valid and accurate then it would not only have been happening over eons past but still today.  Today we have all kinds and sizes of Crabs just as we do spiders however, and here is what I am seeking, I don't see that transitionary or incremental process going on today, before us, where you have ##% crab and (100 - ##%) Spider.  You still have, today, the origin (crabs) and the destination species (spiders) yet it seems that evolutionist would have you to accept, on faith, that (pick your own point in progression of transition)   the transitionary beings/creatures that are making that transition disappeared without leaving a trace of being here.  As for a "God directed" evolution that would be the only way that I believe anyone could explain the incremental, transitional, species/creatures being absent.  If, though, evolution is to be accepted as an independent (of intelligence or direction) process then the same environment for growth and development exist today and the same species can be found but the middle (missing links) that take you from point A to point Z are not there before us.  Creatures that have partial developed organs and bodies on their way from one state to the other.  Regardless of the time span/frame it takes to get from origin to destination (species wise) if evolution is valid and not sourced from some Intelligent Creator who chose this method and then eliminated it once various species developed, then regardless of whether you start at a point 1 million years ago then progress over the million years to current time you still would have the same, original, species existing all along that time line that would, say, want to transcend to a better environment or get away from their predators or for whatever reason they say there is a reason to "evolve" say from crab to spider, monkey to man, etc...

Anyway that's my problem with evolution as an explanation or theory of how life got here and then if you accept that premise then you also have to go to some point or transition from non-life to life or a something living.  There you have a situation where the question is what caused that transition or evolution?  If something is non-living then there is no thinking process, no intelligence to make a decision that there is benefit in breathing or life.  Again you have to start with the most infinitesimal point and define how you get from there to form intelligence and upward though developing communication and language.  We attempt to answer those questions looking back but if these things happened by accident, from the most basic element then in oder to advance or determine a need to advance or evolve that would indicate some ability to think, some intelligence that would know it wanted to go from one state to the next and have a reason to do so.

I just do not believe that Evolution answers those questions adequately and that there is required too many assumptions to be made without any justification provided for making those leaps.    
Originally Posted by logical:
Originally Posted by gbrk:

Definitely the name says all that's needed to know.   It's fascinating how many people treat Evolution almost as a religion.  Let someone say they don't believe in it, don't accept it, that they don't accept it as valid for the source of life and people get bent all out of shape.   It's as if you insulted their God or sought to invalidate their religion.  

LOL. I think you got that backwards. It definitely seems to me that folks who don't believe in evolution are the ones who get their panties in a wad and consider it a direct assault on the existent of God.


I don't think I do have that backwards, however I will though admit that you have extremist on both sides of the equation.  I don't see evolution as a challenge to God however because, as you believe, If I still could believe God used that process to create life if I felt that Evolution was valid, after all.  I believe there is just too much lacking in evolutions theory to accept it as a valid source for how life got here. 

Evolution is merely an explanation for how life works based on physical observations. It has no intrinsic bearing on the existence/non-existence of God. It simply doesn't require God and that is what gets the creationists bent out of shape.

Again, If God chose to use evolution, or if any Intelligent Source/Creator decided to create something, whether we are talking about life itself, the Universe, or an automobile (something man-made) then it would not be unthinkable that the person would want to establish something self supporting or that would happen/run with the least need for intervention.  As humans we are just looking back trying to take what we see, along with our natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and piece things together in a way that seems logical, rational, and that we an comprehend and understand.  As for those who reject or deny God then the answer they seek or the process has to be one that eliminates the possibility of God or Intelligent superior or supernatural source (my own opinion and way of putting that).

Each website I presented just presents statements and material to support the contention that Life and creation came from an intelligent source/God and did not just happen by accident or some chance combination of elements yet to those who believe in evolution it's a monumental threat.  It's almost, today, as if there is a new inqusition only this time around those who don't accept evolution or a non-God theory suffer the wrath of those who promote evolution as the only possible path to life.  Life from non-life, living from non-living material or an accident, if you will.  Similar in nature to the Big Bang or infinitely something great from absolutely nothing yet those who challenge that contention are labeled, by those who believe in such, as dumb, idiots, or uninformed and unintelligent.  

The issue I have with creationists is that they aren't actually looking for the answer since they believe that they already have it. Science, on the other hand, adjusts the answer to match the current evidence. There are some on the evolution side who are just as dogmatic about the answer, but they are not the norm.

I do believe in God and I do believe in Creation or better said I believe that what we have came from God whom we term as Creator.  Many would call it a cop out but I believe I have the answers.  I do believe I have the source or origin but it stops there.  As for the process, by which God used, I do not believe I ever will understand/comprehend that.  I do not believe that any mortal human can or will ever conceive and understand that exact process for I fully believe it to be beyond the ability of human comprehension and understanding. Just like comprehending and understanding eternity, whether eternity past or eternity future, without end.  It is a concept that we accept or can accept but to actually comprehend it and understand it, I believe is beyond our abilities.  Creation, Eternity, God, etc are all things I believe (my opinion) to be beyond human understanding or comprehension and also beyond the ability of Science to define and understand and quantify.  I believe everything we call Creation, including life itself, is a physical entity and can be defined in physical terms however I believe the source or, as you stated later in the post, the "Point source" is actually a Spiritual entity from within the Spiritual Realm and like the Spiritual Realm outside and beyond Mankind's, and sciences, ability to define, understand, comprehend, measure, or touch.  There are many things that are beyond mankind's comprehension and understanding and some are defined and understood with research, testing, and exploration but I also believe that there are things that are beyond the capacity of mankind to understand and comprehend with our human limitations. 

I also feel and believe, as a Christian, that many things that are outside of our understanding and comprehension, things that are not always evident, are given to us and provided to us, by God, and by His (God's) Holy Spirit.  Some of the answers are, though, I believe outside of what God wants us to know and understand and some of our questions have to be accepted and taken on and in Faith.  That's just how I look at it.   I wont deny that you could be right concerning some creationist though but there are also some who believe and accept evolution to such a degree that they have their mind determined and made up and theory is fact and there is no consideration of potentially other sources or answers.   Again the population yields all degrees of advocates and believers.  What is important is that whatever side you fall on and whatever you believe that you have a basis for your accepted belief and be able to represent that if ask.  Otherwise your faith or belief could potentially rest more on another person than reside internal and of your own mind and self.

Yes it's fascinating how so many people will accept and promote such an improbable, unprovable, and insufficient excuse for the source of life.  Again it's very much like the Big Bang where they say everything came from absolutely nothing.

Improbable, unprovable, and insufficient? I fail to see why either explanation is better at these than the other which the possible exception of unprovable. Evolution has some possibility of being provable by humans. Creation is only provable by God Himself.

The Big Bang did not come from nothing. The BB came from a point source. I don't believe the theory postulates where that point source came from.

But that is the point.  Where is/was that "point source"?  What is it?  Would not (divine or not) it be valid to call that "point source" "the Creator" then?  Does that point source have to be of the same material/type as what is derived from it?  By that I mean we have mass, great mass, derived from something.  Could that something be totally different .. such as what we term as Spiritual Realm or another term or way of saying it .. from PURE THOUGHT?  Some great tangible from some great intangible?  Does then that require us to be able to define or understand that source and could that source be God?

It is really irrelevant anyway, neither evolution or creationism can explain the absolute beginning of the universe. They both basically say X has always existed and everything proceeded from that.

That catch 22 of trying to understand/comprehend and define ETERNITY.

The real reason you come up with Evolution and the Big Bang as theories or hypothesizes is that those are the only way to explain away any possibility of God which most advocates of such refuse to even consider as possibly existing or being.  One thing I will grant that Evolution fosters and that is supreme arrogance.

As I said before evolution has no bearing on the existence/non-existence of God. Evolution does NOT explain away God, it merely does not REQUIRE God. Those two are NOT the same.

The flip side of your coin is equally valid. Most advocates of creationism refuse to consider any possibility that God does not exist. How is that any less arrogant? Arrogance dressed up as humility is still arrogance.


Going on the following definition of arrogant:  

arrogant |ˈarəgənt|


having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities:

I cannot say that any one position or group has a patient on the term but it can apply to anyone who believes themselves above reproach or beyond questioning.   The  use of the term was to relate to anyone that considers themselves beyond reproach or beyond error.


On here I'm often pre-judged and people believe they already know what I'm thinking in fact some are so convinced that they pronounce what I'm thinking regardless of what I say. 


As for teaching Creation in school.  Some think know my opinion on it and I have stated that I believe that the fact that creation is one of the most accepted and prevalent theories of how life became or how everything got here.  One reason I had that thought was that failure to acknowledge it as one theory that many people have or regard as true tends to validate any theory that IS taught as the source of how we/things became.  Here, though, are a few problems with teaching creation that cause me to be against it.  First I would not want any specific religion taught.  The education process is not to indoctrinate students toward any specific deity/God so Christians would not want Allah cited as Creator just as the Jews wouldn't want Christ (The Trinity) to be mentioned.  That is the problem with any attempts at the inclusion of Creation.  Another reason I feel it might be a problem (teaching creation) was revealed to me fairly recently.  If taught, creation would be taught, most likely, in the public sector, by a person that did not believe it themselves as a possibility.  They would most likely, in the process of teaching it not teach it without bias or prejudice and thus most likely grossly misrepresent it.  The only place that Christians can expect it to be taught in a fashion and way that they would consider acceptable is their Church, Church School, or Home and of those parents should be responsible for teaching their children and raising them to be well rounded and prepared to enter the world as an knowledgable adult.   

So teaching Creation or requiring that to be taught certainly injects many concerns for everyone, Christian and not.  Some would be glad to have some form of indoctrination but those should also realize that indoctrination can cut two ways.  Still though with as many people in the world believing that we all got here by some other method or process than evolution there should be some way to make it generic enough that at least students could be aware that there are those, many in fact, that believe that all that is, life and non-life became from some directed process from an intelligent source.  And so it continues.




quote:   Originally Posted by Frankly:
quote:  Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
 Are you telling us that God used Darwinian Evolution, i.e., macro evolution, to build His world and all the life in it -- and, then, at some point He stopped using macro evolution? 

No, God still uses it to this day.  It's just that the time spans involved here blow minds that are limited by delusion.  It takes roughly 2 million years on average for one species to evolve into a seperate (sic) species.  Some species adapted much faster.  Some much, much longer.  Some, like the aligator (sic), hardly evolve at all for 100 million years because they are so well adapted to their environment and that environment never changed.  It was swampy in Florida 100 million years ago. It's still swampy now.  Gators had no reason to adapt.

I'm a physician, NONE of what I know (and I know a lot) would make any sense whatsoever without the foundation of a thorough understanding of evolution as the basis for the understanding the morphology of  . . . Well, any living thing.

I believe (with admittedly scant evidence but it is what I choose to believe) that God started the process and possibly guides it here and there to His way.  Even the staunchest atheist must admit that there are some awfully weird things in our DNA and in physics.  Nothing that "proves" a divine hand in biology but certainly suggestive.  . . . And yes I know this is an "argument from ignorance" for anyone who would attack my take on the subject.

Hi Frankly,


Let's just touch on some of your key points.  You say, "It takes roughly 2 million years on average for one species to evolve into a seperate (sic) species."  


Given that, we should expect that over that roughly 2 million years, when one species was evolving into a different species -- we should see fossil evidence of those transitional species, i.e., the "missing links."   Yet, in museums around the world there are millions of fossil records -- but, not even one "missing link" transitional fossil record.  How can that be?


I believe you give us an answer in your next comment, "Some, like the aligator (sic), hardly evolve at all for 100 million years because they are so well adapted to their environment and that environment never changed."


You have, possibly by chance, hit on the answer.  Yes, evolution is true -- micro evolution, i.e., adaptation to differing environmental changes.  The alligator, staying in his swamp environment for those many thousands of years -- had no reason to change.  Other animals, and people, who have migrated to totally different environments, often bringing about different dietary habits -- have adapted more drastically.  However, all who were human stayed human.  And, all who were of an animal species -- stayed within their species.  And, that, my Friend, is why there are no transitional fossil records.


Then, you tell me, "I'm a physician, NONE of what I know (and I know a lot) . . ." 


Well, I guess I cannot lay claim to "knowing a lot" -- although I don't suppose I am totally illiterate.   In my 50+ years in the electronics and computer field -- I guess I did learn a few things.  And, being a person who loves to read, I suppose you can say that I am still learning.   But, one thing I DO KNOW -- my God is real and He did not need old Charley Darwin to help Him create the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).


Next, you tell me, "I believe (with admittedly scant evidence but it is what I choose to believe) that God started the process and possibly guides it here and there to His way."


I suppose that makes you a deist, i.e., you believe that God did the Creation -- maybe using Charley Darwin's evolution -- and, then went back into heaven and left the creation to run itself.  Of course, you do acknowledge that He pops in once in a while -- just to see how things are going.  And, then goes back to heaven.


Then, Frankly, obviously you and I worship different Gods.  My God created the heavens and the earth.  And, after creating Adam and Eve, He used to walk in the Garden in the cool of the evening (Genesis 3:8), in communion with Adam and Eve.  That sound pretty personal to me.


Then, after Adam blew it and man had Adam's inherited sin nature -- "God so loved the world (you, me, and all our Forum Friends, plus all other people) that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him should not perish, but HAVE eternal life"  (John 3:16).  Wow!  That really sounds very personal to me -- that God would send His only Son to die in our place.


And, we are told in Ephesians 2:8, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD."  That sound very personal to me.  This God who gives gifts does not sound like an impersonal God who just hangs out in heaven and ignores us.


Finally, you tell me, "Nothing that "proves" a divine hand in biology but certainly suggestive.  . ."


Then, obviously you do not believe the Bible or God, when He tells us, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"  (Genesis 1:1).   Do you believe any of the Bible?  Is so, which parts do you believe -- and which parts are lying to us?


Frankly, the Creation was ex nihilo  -- created out of nothing.  God began with empty space -- and, He created the heavens and the earth.  Part of that Creation was all the sciences which govern the functionality of the universe -- and all the laws which govern all those sciences.  By the way, Biology was one of those sciences. 


I am reminded of a time, about ten years ago, when I was sitting in a waiting room at my doctor's office.  I was waiting for an X-ray and on the wall was a chart showing the skeletal and organ makeup of man.  Being a skeletal chart, much was left off, such as blood vessels, arteries, etc.   Looking at that chart, my first thought was, "How can a medical doctor know so much about the human body -- and NOT believe in the God who created it?"  You say, "Nothing that "proves" a divine hand in biology."   Take a look at some of the chart in your office.  Take a look at your own body.  What more do you need to see His divine hand in all Creation?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





Images (1)
Originally Posted by gbrk:
Going on the following definition of arrogant:  

arrogant |ˈarəgənt|


having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities:

I cannot say that any one position or group has a patient on the term but it can apply to anyone who believes themselves above reproach or beyond questioning.   The  use of the term was to relate to anyone that considers themselves beyond reproach or beyond error.


You've just described Bill Gray.



Fossil record


The earliest fossil crustaceans external date from about 513 external million years ago in the Cambrian external, [50] and fossil shrimp external from about 500 external million years ago apparently formed a tight-knit procession across the seabed. [51] Crustacean fossils are common from the Ordovician external period onwards. [52] They have remained almost entirely aquatic, possibly because they never developed excretory systems external that conserve water. [30]


The oldest known arachnid external is the trigonotarbid external Palaeotarbus jerami, from about 420 external million years ago in the Silurian external period. [56] Attercopus externalfimbriunguis, from 386 external million years ago in the Devonian external period, bears the earliest known silk-producing spigots, but its lack of spinnerets external means it was not one of the true spiders external, [57] which first appear in the Late Carboniferous external over 299 external million years ago. [58] The Jurassic external and Cretaceous externalperiods provide a large number of fossil spiders, including representatives of many modern families. [59] Fossils of aquatic scorpions external with gills externalappear in the Silurian and Devonian external periods, and the earliest fossil of an air-breathing scorpion with book lungs external dates from the Early Carboniferous period. [60]


Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
Yet, in museums around the world there are millions of fossil records -- but, not even one "missing link" transitional fossil record.  How can that be?


Sorry, but that is just ignorant. I don't mean that in a bad way as roughly 60% of American's believe in Creationism and they all aren't stupid. But the truth is the truth even if hardly anyone believes it.  The fact is that you simply haven't taken the time to see the tremendous amount of evidence that is out there.  The other fact is that fossils are the old way of determining origins and species inter-relatedness. that's all Darwin had and he did an admiral job. The people who came after him proved evolution even more decidedly.  The new, much more details way is through genetics.  We can toss out the entire fossil record and prove descent from lower animals and inter-relatedness far beyond any reasonable doubt. The problem is that one has to understand genetics to grasp the terms. If people can't grasp abundant fossil evidence, they have no hope of understanding genetics. 

Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
Take a look at some of the chart in your office.  Take a look at your own body.  What more do you need to see His divine hand in all Creation?

Bill the problem with this is that I understand, with high resolution, how the body evolved. I have to.  I learned the human body from dissecting a fish. Yes, a lowly fish. A fish has the exactsame body plan as a human. I learned where the basic nerves in the human body lie by cutting open a fish. The bones in the inner ear are shared with the jaw bones in sharks. It is all very clear to me because I have studied it. But you don't have to go to medical school or even cut open a fish to grasp the basics. The wonders of life are some of the most inspirational things one can possibly study. All that said, my faith lies in the things I've seen at the ends of life, not in the middle here where we are,. I don't need biology to reaffirm my faith.

Hi O No,

Thank you for your posted excerpts from titled "Fossil Record."   This agrees with what we find in Genesis 1:2--31 that God created some of His creation to live in the waters, some to fly in the sky, and others to live on the dry land -- and made them capable of reproducing AFTER ITS KIND.  That does not include a fish becoming a bird; nor a bird becoming an alligator or dog.  And, it surely does not include a crab becoming a spider.  When God said, "After its kind" -- that is what He meant.

We read this clearly in this passage from Genesis which describes in detail His act of creation:

Genesis 1:20-23, "Then God said, 'Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.'  God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.  God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.'  There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

Genesis 1:24-25, "Then God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind;' and it was so.  God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:26, "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'

Genesis 1:27-28, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.' "

Genesis 1:29-31, "Then God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food;' and it was so.  God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very goodAnd there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."


Notice that verse 27 tells us that, "God created man in His own image" -- and, I can promise you that God, in no way, resembled an ape, monkey, or lemur.  Nor did God, in any way, resemble a lifeless single cell amoebae floating in a primordial swamp.

The only way to deny this passage in Genesis -- is to deny God's Written Word, the Bible.  And, if one is denying God's Bible -- he is denying God.  And, quite honestly, I would not want to be in the eternal shoes of anyone who dies while still denying God.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




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  • Six_Days_Creation
quote:   Originally Posted by Frankly:
quote:   Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
Yet, in museums around the world there are millions of fossil records -- but, not even one "missing link" transitional fossil record.  How can that be?

Sorry, but that is just ignorant.  I don't mean that in a bad way as roughly 60% of American's believe in Creationism and they all aren't stupid.  But the truth is the truth even if hardly anyone believes it.  The fact is that you simply haven't taken the time to see the tremendous amount of evidence that is out there. 


The other fact is that fossils are the old way of determining origins and species inter-relatedness.  that's all Darwin had and he did an admiral job. The people who came after him proved evolution even more decidedly.  The new, much more details way is through genetics.  We can toss out the entire fossil record and prove descent from lower animals and inter-relatedness far beyond any reasonable doubt. The problem is that one has to understand genetics to grasp the terms.  If people can't grasp abundant fossil evidence, they have no hope of understanding genetics.

Hi Frankly,


"Sorry, but that is just ignorant."   This is the standard atheist/secularist answer we have come to know and love -- when they have no answer.


"The other fact is that fossils are the old way of determining origins and species inter-relatedness."   In other words, no fossil records exist to prove Darwinian Evolution -- so, it is time to punt -- right?   If you cannot make any headway running the ball -- you punt, hoping to find another way later.  Darwin himself said that if scientists do not find the "missing link" fossil record, Darwinian Evolution is dead.  RIP Darwinian Evolution!


Sorry, my secularist Friend, but nothing in the Bible supports your theory of Darwinian Evolution.  And, if the Bible does not support it -- it ain't so!


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





Images (1)

Frankly, I am one who loves the Lord with all my heart, but I have no problem with scientific fact. The way I see it, the Lord created the laws of science when He created the universe, and everything is operating according to plan.


Bill, you always say that parts of the Bible are literal, and parts are allegory. You have said that if the literal meaning doesn't make sense, then read it as allegory. Well, to me the seven days are allegory. Each "day" of God's time is a LOT longer than the days of our time. When you read the creation story THAT way, everything falls into place, it all makes sense, and the conflict between science and faith no longer exists.

Bill doesn't believe the Bible has any allegories.  Instead, if the Bible doesn't make sense, then his interpretation is what counts.  Bill's threshold of "sense" is pretty low - almost non-existent - and he often resorts to mind boggling, head spinning feats of inconsistent reasoning ranging from ludicrous to ridiculous.

quote:   Originally Posted by O No!:

Frankly, I am one who loves the Lord with all my heart, but I have no problem with scientific fact. The way I see it, the Lord created the laws of science when He created the universe, and everything is operating according to plan.


Bill, you always say that parts of the Bible are literal, and parts are allegory. You have said that if the literal meaning doesn't make sense, then read it as allegory. Well, to me the seven days are allegory. Each "day" of God's time is a LOT longer than the days of our time. When you read the creation story THAT way, everything falls into place, it all makes sense, and the conflict between science and faith no longer exists.

Hi O,


Yes, I have often written that, in reading the Bible, we first look for a literal meaning -- and if that fits, that is our interpretation.  If not, look for a metaphorical or symbolic meaning.


However, the Hebrew word for day is "Yom" which appears in the KJV Bible 2287 times and the vast majority of those times (2008 times), it does mean a lunar day, i.e., 24 hours.


And, in the New Testament Greek the word day is "hēmera" which is found 389 times.  Of those incidences 355 times it means a lunar day.


So, it would seem that most of the time that we read "day" in the Bible -- it is referring to a 24 hour day.


To attempt to read the Creation of Genesis any other way, in an attempt to agree with atheist and secularist, is compromising.  As you said in your post, when God created the heavens and the earth -- part of that creation was all the sciences and all the laws which govern and define those sciences.  So, there is no need to compromise.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by Frankly:
Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
Yet, in museums around the world there are millions of fossil records -- but, not even one "missing link" transitional fossil record.  How can that be?


Sorry, but that is just ignorant. I don't mean that in a bad way as roughly 60% of American's believe in Creationism and they all aren't stupid. But the truth is the truth even if hardly anyone believes it.  The fact is that you simply haven't taken the time to see the tremendous amount of evidence that is out there.  The other fact is that fossils are the old way of determining origins and species inter-relatedness. that's all Darwin had and he did an admiral job. The people who came after him proved evolution even more decidedly.  The new, much more details way is through genetics.  We can toss out the entire fossil record and prove descent from lower animals and inter-relatedness far beyond any reasonable doubt. The problem is that one has to understand genetics to grasp the terms. If people can't grasp abundant fossil evidence, they have no hope of understanding genetics. 

Bill rolls out his tired old "missing link" trope any time the word evolution is typed. It's not that he hasn't been exposed to an abundance of evidence. He's been shown detailed evidence by me and others on "missing links" and whatever other nonsense he repeats numerous times. He typically responds to evidence and answers by not responding and pretending that he had the last word on the subject...

quote:    Originally Posted by Jennifer Bestworking:

Weird.  Why would a god need evolution?  Why would a god need "time" at all?  Why would a god not just put humans/animals/plants on earth the way he wanted them to be? What a load of malarkey.

Hi Jennifer,


Possibly by accident -- you are mostly correct.  You are right that God did not evolution to create the heavens and the earth and all this is here.  And, He does not need Darwinian evolution to keep things on track.  He has beautifully created man, animals, plants, etc, -- to use micro evolution, i.e., adaptation, to live on the earth He gave us.


Does God need time?   No, and, in heaven there is no time.  On earth, time is one of our four dimensions -- height, width, length, and time.   Man needs time; God does not.


Then, you ask when He did not just put everyone and everything where He wanted us to be.  In a sense, He did -- but, He also gave man "free will" to be able to think and reason.  Some have used this "free will" for the better, i.e., believers.  Others have used it to their own detriment, i.e., the non-believers.


So, Jennifer, do you see -- you have it right.  Now, all you need to do is to get out of the non-believer's camp and get into the family of God.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by FirenzeVeritas:

My two points are this:


1. Predators? That would argue the original one cell animal, without Divine help, mutated in several different paths in the same environs. Why? Also, why would the supposedly now smaller life form have the intelligence to transfer itself to land and the predator did not?


2. Lack of space? No, the ocean is quite a bit bigger than any land surfaces. It could migrate up or down, to hotter or colder, etc. That also overlooks the need for a major adaptation to breathing air. The simpler mutation to hot, cold, etc., would have been the logical route. After all, when scientists look for new worlds they seek those with sufficient O2; they don't suggest man be somehow manipulated to breath all nitrogen or whatever.

Some of these may have already been answered but basically, the solution to a lot of your questions is rooted in your basic misunderstanding of the evolutionary process. Species of organisms evolve to fit niches in nature that are under-exploited in order to lessen competition for biological survival. Individual organisms do not themselves evolve. Instead, entire species evolve.This process happens naturally, over vast periods of time and is unguided by thought. There is no intelligence in the evolutionary process involved whatsoever. Just natural, environmental pressures for species survival. For example, jellyfish have no brains or even nervous systems, yet they are one of the most successful species in the long history of the planet. On top of that, they're incredibly efficient predators, yet are completely thoughtless. Jellyfish don't think because they are literally brainless. They certainly don't contemplate expanding their species to fit an underused niche in the environment.


I would say that life first evolved from the sea because it had to.

Consider that the ancient saline solution which bathed the first life now flows in our blood stream.  The saline environment was essential to the first life... no matter how you think it arose/got here.


 The land was devoid of life.  It was barren and dead.  It took millions of years for the first plant life (in the sea) to accumulate enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to allow life to slowly creep up out of the sea and onto the land.

 What a sight it must have been in the early days of the world!  To have stood amidst the silent forests, silent, without even the stirring of a leaf, (only fronds).  To have seen the first water scorpions crawling out of the sea… to have seen the first insects who followed so shortly.


Now THAT would have been a sight.

Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:   Originally Posted by O No!:

Frankly, I am one who loves the Lord with all my heart, but I have no problem with scientific fact. The way I see it, the Lord created the laws of science when He created the universe, and everything is operating according to plan.


Bill, you always say that parts of the Bible are literal, and parts are allegory. You have said that if the literal meaning doesn't make sense, then read it as allegory. Well, to me the seven days are allegory. Each "day" of God's time is a LOT longer than the days of our time. When you read the creation story THAT way, everything falls into place, it all makes sense, and the conflict between science and faith no longer exists.

Hi O,


Yes, I have often written that, in reading the Bible, we first look for a literal meaning -- and if that fits, that is our interpretation.  If not, look for a metaphorical or symbolic meaning.


However, the Hebrew word for day is "Yom" which appears in the KJV Bible 2287 times and the vast majority of those times (2008 times), it does mean a lunar day, i.e., 24 hours.


And, in the New Testament Greek the word day is "hēmera" which is found 389 times.  Of those incidences 355 times it means a lunar day.


So, it would seem that most of the time that we read "day" in the Bible -- it is referring to a 24 hour day.


To attempt to read the Creation of Genesis any other way, in an attempt to agree with atheist and secularist, is compromising.  As you said in your post, when God created the heavens and the earth -- part of that creation was all the sciences and all the laws which govern and define those sciences.  So, there is no need to compromise.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Bill, you say, 

"So, it would seem that most of the time that we read "day" in the Bible -- it is referring to a 24 hour day."


That still leaves 279 times according to you, that the Old Testament uses the word allegorically.


Now, you KNOW I have never "attempted to agree with atheists and secularists, so there's no need to make that insulting accusation. I decided as a child that the interpretation I explained in my previous post, the one where I believe God's "days" are so much longer than ours, is the one that makes most sense to me. Please, can't we agree to disagree without these hurtful and unfounded accusations?


quote:   Originally Posted by O No!:
Bill, you say, "So, it would seem that most of the time that we read "day" in the Bible -- it is referring to a 24 hour day."

That still leaves 279 times according to you, that the Old Testament uses the word allegorically.


Now, you KNOW I have never "attempted to agree with atheists and secularists" -- so there's no need to make that insulting accusation.  I decided as a child that the interpretation I explained in my previous post, the one where I believe God's "days" are so much longer than ours, is the one that makes most sense to me.  Please, can't we agree to disagree without these hurtful and unfounded accusations?

Hi O,


Although my earlier post does seem to be saying that you are compromising -- that was not my thinking nor my intent.  I had such people as Dr. Hugh Ross of "Reasons To Believe" in mind.  I explain this and much more on Theistic Evolution versus Creation in my new discussion titled "Theistic Evolution, Day Age Theory, Gap Theory, And Progressive Creation: Real Or Compromise?"


Please take a look at it.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by O No!:

Frankly, I am one who loves the Lord with all my heart, but I have no problem with scientific fact. The way I see it, the Lord created the laws of science when He created the universe, and everything is operating according to plan.


Bill, you always say that parts of the Bible are literal, and parts are allegory. You have said that if the literal meaning doesn't make sense, then read it as allegory. Well, to me the seven days are allegory. Each "day" of God's time is a LOT longer than the days of our time. When you read the creation story THAT way, everything falls into place, it all makes sense, and the conflict between science and faith no longer exists.

LIKE! I agree with you!

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