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Queen of Heaven: Pagan Divinity or Royal Mother of the Messiah?


"Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?" is the title of a pamphlet widely distributed

during Pope John Paul II's visit to St. Louis last year. At first glance, it appears

to be a Catholic publication, with a loving statue of the Blessed Virgin looking

down on a young mother holding her child up to kiss the statues hand.

As it turns out, the pamphlet is anti-Catholic propaganda aimed at debunking

Catholic teaching regarding the Blessed Virgin.


The chapter titled, "The Madonna of Rome is the Madonna of Ancient Babylon,"

regurgitates the typical anti-Catholic claim that Catholic belief in Mary’s

Queenship is warmed-over paganism. The author quotes Jeremiah 44:15-17,

where the people of Judah rebelliously reject the prophet Jeremiah’s message

in preference to their idolatrous worship of an entity called "the Queen of

Heaven"—apparently the pagan deity Ishtar. The claim is that this idolatrous,

pagan worship of the Queen of Heaven has been carried over by the Catholic

Church into its "worship" of Mary as the Queen of Heaven.   


Many anti-Catholic Fundamentalists and even a few otherwise more

sympathetic Evangelical Christians hold this view. Answering them requires at

least two things. First, stating what the Catholic Church actually teaches about

Mary’s Queenship. Second, responding to the specific objections and

accusations raised against this teaching.


As we have seen, God's pattern throughout Scripture is to exalt the humble.

Why, then, should not this principle apply to the lowly "handmaid of the Lord"

who believed God's Word and humbly cooperated with his saving plan? As

argued above, it is precisely because of her humble service that Mary is

made Queen of Heaven. In the Magnificat,Mary herself declared, "For He has

regarded the low estate of His handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all

generations will call me blessed; for He who is mighty has done great

things for me . . . He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low

degree" (Lk 1:48-52).   


Many Protestants have trouble with Mary's Queenship because they wrongly

regard it as usurping divine privileges and as succumbing to the idolatry of

pagan feminine divinities. Of course, these Protestant difficulties are only

deepened when Catholics give undue emphasis to the Queenship of Mary or

fail to understand it in proper relation to the Kingship of Christ and the royal

dignity of all Christians. On the other hand, if Catholics show how Mary's

Queenship flows from the Kingship of Christ and is the model of the royal

dignity of all Christians, we can reduce or eliminate Protestant objections.


As with most Marian doctrines, the key to non-Catholic acceptance of Mary's

Queenship, especially for Protestants, is linking the doctrine to Jesus Christ.


What The Church Teaches





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Don't Catholics pray to Mary? Where is that provided for in Scripture? 

I believe that Mary was blessed and her role is rightly celebrated by Christians everywhere but I reject her being queen of heaven as I do not find this warranted.


And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. Col 1:18

Hi Vic,


Your post asks the question, "Is the virgin Mary, earthly mother of the human Jesus, alive or dead?"


She is very much alive.   Just as ALL Christian believers are alive and well in heaven.  ALL believers, and this would include Mary, Joseph, all of Jesus brothers, for sure James and Jude, most likely all His sisters -- when they died in their mortal bodies, they went immediately into heaven to be with the Lord for eternity.


This happens for all who, by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ -- believe and receive His free gift of eternal life (Ephesians 2:8-9).


Several years ago, the wife of a pastor Friend died unexpectedly.  At her memorial service a lady friend said of her, "When Anita was alive. . . "   I told the lady, "Anita is more alive today than she was while in her mortal body.  She is now ALIVE with and in Christ!"    And, her husband, the pastor, agreed with me.


Now, Judas is another story.   Although he walked with Christ for three years, he never really became a true believer.  The Bible confirms this.  So, when he died, his soul went into Hades/Torment while his body went into the grave -- to be resurrected in the End Times and judged for his disbelief.


But, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus' earthly siblings, even though their bodies went into the grave, like all who die in faith -- their spirits went directly into heaven.   At the Rapture, their bodies will be resurrected and made immortal, along with all believers who are still alive when He comes to rapture His church.   Then, Mary, Joseph, Jesus' siblings, all other believers, and I will be with Jesus Christ in our immortal, eternal bodies.


That is why we all, including Mary, are called saints.  We are set aside and sealed in Christ.


And, like Red Baron said, nowhere in the Bible are we told to worship Mary or ANYONE except God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE!


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



2 Timothy 2-15


Images (1)
  • 2 Timothy 2-15
Originally Posted by Bill Gray:


And, like Red Baron said, nowhere in the Bible are we told to worship Mary or ANYONE except God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE!




Catholics do not worship Mary, no one does, she wouldn't allow it.

The Father has had her on a mission to draw people to her son,

Jesus Christ the Son of God, for the last two thousand years.

It's what she does, people have ignored the physical evidence of the work

God has asked of her.


It's not your fault or mine that protestants have been out of the loop

for five hundred years. Quite enough time for the haters of the Church

to sow their lies and deceit. When I read those fraudulence accounts

of the different areas of the Church and I was protestant, I would be

mad also, until I researched it from non partisan sources

 Not everyone is open to that.

There are no graven images, no crucifix worship. no Mary worship

all 10--17 commanments and none are twisted.

Most Catholics believe more of the Bible than do Protestants.


Believe whatever makes you feel more "right" than others, when it

comes right down to it, most people don't give a flip, but they do

care when you lie.  




"Among all the women who have ever lived, the mother of Jesus Christ is the most celebrated, the most venerated...Among Roman Catholics, the Madonna is recognized not only as the Mother of God, but also, according to modern Popes, as the Queen of the Universe, Queen of Heaven, Seat of Wisdom, and even the Spouse of the Holy Spirit." (Time Magazine, "Handmaid or Feminist?", December 30, 1991, p. 62-66).

BIBLE BRIEF: Jeremiah 7:18, "... the women knead the dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger!"

Could the Roman Catholic Madonna (Mary, physical Mother of Jesus), who is described in the above Time Magazine article as the "Queen of Heaven", be the same as the "Queen of Heaven" which was helping provoke God to anger and judgment in Jeremiah 7:18?

First, let us examine the ancient Queen of Heaven. Most of this information is taken from Alexander Hislop's book, "The Two Babylons", 1917. Hislop traces the Babylon-ian worship of the Queen of Heaven back to the days follow-ing the death of Nimrod. The dating of this event is not known exactly, but seems to date 400+ years after the flood. After Nimrod's death, his wife, Semiramis, was determined to retain her power and wealth. She concocted the story that Nimrod's death was for the salvation of mankind. Nimrod was touted as "the woman's promised seed, Zero-ashta, who was destined to bruise the serpent's head, and in so doing, was to have his own heel bruised." (p. 58-59)

We can easily see that this story is a counterfeit to the true prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. To enable the Babylonian people to better worship this child, a woodcut portrait was created, depicting him in his mother's arms. The mother obviously drew her glory from her deified son. However, "the mother, in the long-run, practically eclipsed the son" in worship. The original picture obviously was meant to merely be a "pedestal for the upholding of the divine son...But, while this...was the design, it is a plain principle in all idolatries that that which most appeals to the senses must make the most powerful impression." (p, 74) The mother obviously created the most powerful visual impression, both because she was an adult and because she was so magnificently arrayed.

Once people began to worship the mother more than the child, Babylonian priests felt forced to issue an edict deifying the mother also. After the passage of still more time, "her son's birth was boldly declared to be miraculous, and therefore she was called ...the Virgin Mother." (p.76) "The highest titles were then bestowed upon her. She was called the Queen of Heaven. In Egypt, she was styled Athor, i.e., theHabitation of God to signify that in her dwelt all the 'fulness of the Godhead'". (p.77) From this pagan beginning, the story of the Virgin Mother (Queen of Heaven) spread throughout the world. In:

  • Egypt, she was called Athor (p77)
  • Tibet and China, she was called Virgo Deipara (p77)
  • Greece, she was called Hestia (Ibid)
  • Rome, she was called Juno, or Dove. (p79). From this designation, the Dove became the symbol of the "deified queen..commonly represented with an olive branch in her mouth." It is startling to listen to the Jesuit author, Malachi Martin, asserting in his book, The Keys Of ThisBlood, that now "the Dove is loose, the Dove is loose". The entire theme of this book is that the drive to the New World Order is a competition between the world-wide forces of Communism, Western Capitalism, and Roman Catholicism. Martin clearly believes that Catholicism will prevail in this struggle because of the intervention of the Virgin Mary. Incredibly, this Time magazine article states, "The world will recognize in due time that the defeat of Communism came at the hand of the intercession of the Mother of Jesus" (Time, p. 62)."



More on this idolatry:

quote:   Originally Posted by canade:

Invic - Not all of us Protestants hate Catholics, or the Jewish, for that matter. 

Hi Canade,


Actually, none of we Protestants should hate Roman Catholics or Jews.  We should love them.  And, many in both religions are born-again Christians.  In the Jewish family we see Jews For Jesus and other Messianic Jews.  In the Roman Catholic family, there are many who have become Christian believers.  Of course, as my Friend, Dr. Anthony Pezzotta, told me -- When he decided to become a Christian, it only took him about three hours to leave the Roman Catholic church. 


Yet, even though we might wonder how they can tolerate many of the unBiblical doctrines and traditions, there are Christian believers still in the Roman Catholic church.


All the other Roman Catholics and Jews who have not yet become Christian believers -- Christ has charged us with the task of witnessing to them, as we do to all the rest of the world and world religions.


Thank you for bringing this thought up for discussion.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Contindah said

Could the Roman Catholic Madonna (Mary, physical Mother of Jesus), who is described in the above Time Magazine article as the "Queen of Heaven", be the same as the "Queen of Heaven" which was helping provoke God to anger and judgment in Jeremiah 7:18?


Jeremiah 7:18

The children gather wood, their fathers light the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven, while libations are poured out to other gods—all to offend me!


 Queen of Heaven:  Astarte, goddess of fertility, worshiped particularly by women . Such worship was evidently reinforced during the reign of King Manasseh  and was revived after Josiah’s death.


i didn't realize mythology was one of your core beliefs, too bad the Bible isn't

one of your beliefs, you and Billie have a lot in common.

OK, maybe the "in common" thing was a bit too much, I can't do that to you.


The Evangelical Ralph Woodrow previously held the view that Catholics

substituted the historical Mary for a pagan goddess. He wrote a popular

book connecting Catholicism to paganism based on an  book written in

1857 by Alexander Hislop called "The two Babylons." After  the integrity of

 Hislop's research was called into question, Woodrow decided to research

these things for himself. He was shocked to find that Hislop's research was

faulty (at best) and scandalous (at worst).

He has removed his previous book from print and has published

 instead "The Babylon Connection." On pg 33-38 Woodrow disassembles

Hislop's arguments against Mary. He is ashamed of his fellow

Evangelicals who use this approach to condemn the Catholic Church's

relationship to Mary and is sorry for propagating these views. He is still

an Evangelical but no longer associates the Catholic Church with paganism.

  Mary is not into watering down her  Son's message with other religions. 

Mary is about one thing and one thing  only - her Son Jesus.

quote:   Originally Posted by Jennifer Bestworking:

quote:   Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Actually, none of we Protestants should hate Roman Catholics or Jews.  We should love them.  And, many in both religions are born-again Christians.  In the Jewish family we see Jews For Jesus and other Messianic Jews.  In the Roman Catholic family, there are many who have become Christian believers.

All the other Roman Catholics and Jews who have not yet become Christian believers -- Christ has charged us with the task of witnessing to them, as we do to all the rest of the world and world religions.

Oh my, aren't you special!!

Hi Jennifer,


Quite honestly, ALL Christian believers are special, very special to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  And, that is truly a blessing -- to know that He views me, and all Christian believers, as His adopted brothers/sisters, i.e., His brethren.


And, there is a fantastic reward for being in that group -- ETERNAL LIFE IN AND WITH CHRIST!


How about you?  Wouldn't you like to KNOW that you have eternal life in the presence of God?


Jennifer, nothing you, or anyone else has done in this life is so bad that God will not forgive you -- if your sincerely seek His forgiveness.  Since I have lived, I would guess, almost twice as long as you -- I am sure that I have done many things much worse than whatever is keeping you from God.  And, He has forgiven me.   He will do the same for you.  Why not give Him a try?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



1 - God-Is-Love-reduced


Images (1)
  • 1 - God-Is-Love-reduced
quote:  Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
quote:  Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

Yes, let's not confuse normal Protestants with fundamentalist wackos.


I know, canade and crusty, my Dad is Methodist so I sure didn't want to group everyone with the Bill, contin,extra, w4 and some others.  Sorry. 

Hi Vic,


Thank you.  To avoid confusion in worldly minds such as Crusty's -- it is good to keep the Liberal Theology Christians on one side of the room -- and the Conservative Bible-centered Theology Christians on the other side.


I suppose you can reserve the balcony seats for the atheists and other non-believers like Crusty.  From there they can still hear the message -- and, maybe can get a better view of the Liberal Bible (pick and choose) and the Conservative Bible (Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21).


My Friend, thank you for pointing out this distinction.  By the way, if your family were Methodist, how did you stray into Roman Catholicism? 


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Quite honestly, ALL Christian believers are special, very special to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  And, that is truly a blessing -- to know that He views me, and all Christian believers, as His adopted brothers/sisters, i.e., His brethren. 


Oh, but not as special as you. No other christian in the world knows all the things you *think* you know. No other christian in the world but you have it *right*.


Jennifer, nothing you, or anyone else has done in this life is so bad that God will not forgive you -- if your sincerely seek His forgiveness.  Since I have lived, I would guess, almost twice as long as you -- I am sure that I have done many things much worse than whatever is keeping you from God.


Well, you got that right. I've done nothing that I need to be forgiven for by anyone, and yes, I am very sure you have done, and I see you still doing things, a lot worse than I'd ever dream of doing. There is no god for me to be kept away from.

Hi Vic,


You write, "The Evangelical Ralph Woodrow previously held the view that Catholics substituted the historical Mary for a pagan goddess."


Actually, that is historical fact, from both religious and secular writers.   And, Woodrow is not the only writer to point this out.  Many, many who write about religion and the Christian faith have brought out this fact.   To entice them into his new church -- the Emperor Constantine allowed the pagan worshipers to bring their pagan mother/child, i.e., goddess/child, statues into the new church and he just renamed them Mary/Infant Jesus. 


This all began with Semiramis and her son, Tammuz, and spread to other countries as people began to migrate.  Historical fact that even the Vatican cannot deny.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Images of Semiramis and Tammuz


Images (1)
  • Images of Semiramis and Tammuz
Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Vic,


Jeremiah 7:18 was written many hundreds of years before Mary was born -- so, obviously Jeremiah was NOT speaking of Mary.   Maybe you should study the Bible a wee bit more to understand what Jeremiah is telling us.



I know that, but it doesn't make any difference to you people who will twist

any story from any where.

Just doing a little damage control from y'all bats out of hell.

You/your intent is to misrepresent----you were never Catholic and you

never will be christian on the road you're on now.


quote:   Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
quote:   Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Vic,   Jeremiah 7:18 was written many hundreds of years before Mary was born -- so, obviously Jeremiah was NOT speaking of Mary.   Maybe you should study the Bible a wee bit more to understand what Jeremiah is telling us.

I know that, but it doesn't make any difference to you people who will twist any story from any where.  Just doing a little damage control from y'all bats out of hell.  You/your intent is to misrepresent----you were never Catholic and you  never will be christian on the road you're on now. 

Hi Vic,


You do damage control by telling an untruth?  Isn't that the wrong way to go about it?


You say I was never in the Roman Catholic church.  I was there for 20 years -- mass, rosary, missals, statues, medals, the whole nine yards.   How long have you been in the Roman Catholic church?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:   Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
quote:   Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Vic,   Jeremiah 7:18 was written many hundreds of years before Mary was born -- so, obviously Jeremiah was NOT speaking of Mary.   Maybe you should study the Bible a wee bit more to understand what Jeremiah is telling us.

I know that, but it doesn't make any difference to you people who will twist any story from any where.  Just doing a little damage control from y'all bats out of hell.  You/your intent is to misrepresent----you were never Catholic and you  never will be christian on the road you're on now. 

Hi Vic,


You do damage control by telling an untruth?  Isn't that the wrong way to go about it?


You say I was never in the Roman Catholic church.  I was there for 20 years -- mass, rosary, missals, statues, medals, the whole nine yards.   How long have you been in the Roman Catholic church?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Vic never said you were never in the Catholic Church, he said you were never CATHOLIC. Just like so many people here say that you are not Christian, even though you claim to be.


Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:   Originally Posted by canade:

Invic - Not all of us Protestants hate Catholics, or the Jewish, for that matter. 

Hi Canade,


Actually, none of we Protestants should hate Roman Catholics or Jews.  We should love them.  And, many in both religions are born-again Christians.  In the Jewish family we see Jews For Jesus and other Messianic Jews.  In the Roman Catholic family, there are many who have become Christian believers.  Of course, as my Friend, Dr. Anthony Pezzotta, told me -- When he decided to become a Christian, it only took him about three hours to leave the Roman Catholic church. 


Yet, even though we might wonder how they can tolerate many of the unBiblical doctrines and traditions, there are Christian believers still in the Roman Catholic church.


All the other Roman Catholics and Jews who have not yet become Christian believers -- Christ has charged us with the task of witnessing to them, as we do to all the rest of the world and world religions.


Thank you for bringing this thought up for discussion.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





Gee Bill, just the other day you were telling me that Catholicism was just another "false religion". We all know that's what you think, you don't have to pretend to be "liberal" enough to accept that some of us are actually Christian.




June 22, 2012 7:24 PM


quote:   Originally Posted by O No!:
And you seem to have missed the part of the post I made yesterday (or was it the day before) where I told you I am now taking catechism and in the process of becoming Roman Catholic. I seriously thank you for that.  It was your constant Catholic bashing that made me do more and more research about the Catholic faith.  The more I read, the more I liked it. And there is no doubt in my mind that I have made the right choice.

Hi O No,


If you want to stand on a cliff and jump off; I cannot stop you.  All I can tell you is that you WILL have a surprise ending.   And, that is all I can add with your new revelation.  You could have chosen to be a Mormon, a Jehovah's Witness, a Muslim, an Agnostic, an Atheist, or any of the other false religions just as well -- I have written against all of them. 


And, I have written against the homosexual and lesbian lifestyles.


You have chosen the Roman Catholic church; God bless you.  I, too, found solace in the Roman Catholic church for twenty years, went through Catechism classes, and all -- before I became a Christian believer and found the Truth.


So, if you have chosen to drive over the cliff; I will pray for you.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Originally Posted by INVICTUS:

Contindah said

Could the Roman Catholic Madonna (Mary, physical Mother of Jesus), who is described in the above Time Magazine article as the "Queen of Heaven", be the same as the "Queen of Heaven" which was helping provoke God to anger and judgment in Jeremiah 7:18?


Jeremiah 7:18

The children gather wood, their fathers light the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven, while libations are poured out to other gods—all to offend me!


 Queen of Heaven:  Astarte, goddess of fertility, worshiped particularly by women . Such worship was evidently reinforced during the reign of King Manasseh  and was revived after Josiah’s death.


i didn't realize mythology was one of your core beliefs, too bad the Bible isn't

one of your beliefs, you and Billie have a lot in common.

OK, maybe the "in common" thing was a bit too much, I can't do that to you.


It is you and your fellow idolators in the Roman Catholic Church who subscribe to mythology--namely the myth that there is a "Queen of Heaven" in in the form of a "perpetual virgin." Mary was the wife, in every sense, of Joseph who did not know her until she had brought forth her firstborn, but who indeed KNEW HER subsequently in order for her to have borne  siblings of Jesus, including James and Joses..   Thus, she was not perpetually a virgin.  And, yes, I know that lame old Catholic attempt at explaining away those siblings as "cousins," but that old Vatican dog don't hunt. 


More on Marian Mythology:


"Pope Benedict XV said of Mary that “[O]ne can justly say that with Christ, she herself redeemed mankind.”. Pope Pius IX said, “Our salvation is based upon the holy Virgin.[Oh--Rea-a-l-ly?!].. so that if there is any hope and spiritual healing for us we receive it solely and uniquely from her. [so who needs the "Great Physician, Jesus Christ?]    A lay movement called “Vox Populi” (“Voice of the People&rdquo gathers signed petitions to send to the Pope, seeking to have him officially declare that Mary is Co‑Redemptrix.[A-s-r-gh!!]  Over six million signatures have been sent to him, representing 138 countries and all seven continents.[and many ignorant dupes]  This doctrine is supported by over 40 cardinals and 600 bishops worldwide.[to their everlasting shame]"


Yes, indeed, there is an enormous amount of blasphemous mythology that has been fabricated about Mary by the fertile imaginations of heretical ecclesiastical myth makers!


More here, from a former nun:

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