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Reply to "Say you could stop the school shootings-then what??"

What is so amazing is with everything that has now come out regarding all the failings of the system and the number of things that went wrong, each of which could have potentially prevented this horror, the one thing that is touted is how we are going to stop all school shootings by banning certain guns.  

Any rational person knows that banning weapons or making new laws is not going to work or succeed.  Ban the AR15's and then the next shooting that happens with a pistol or shotgun will lead to the next step, let's ban pistols and shotguns and so on and so on and so on.  You never hear a word about the vicious first-person shooter video games that puts the player in the position of shooting and killing.  You never hear calls condemning the horrendous movies that are out that desensitize kids and people to violence against others. 

Antimiam, likewise hit on a good point about texting and driving and the same could be said about drunk driving but you will never hear anyone up in arms about that because that doesn't fit the narrative of getting rid of guns and the 2nd amendment.  Those on the left, the liberals have their media outlets to sound out their agenda such as CNN when it scripted their program about the school shooting.  

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