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Reply to "Am I Wrong In How I See This?"

In my opinion no one should tell another how to live their life or what to believe. Unless  a person is harming others in his or her actions. A human being or Christian for the sake of the discussion, should be kind and care for one another but never dictate.  I believe no mater what one believes, if one lives by the rule of love, one will be saved. But if someone just accepts Jesus Christ as her or his Savoir and believes in my opinion and belief that person is not saved just by that act. Once Saved Always Saved doesn’t make sense. What if a person has accepted Jesus Christ repents of their sins if they’ve been bad. Then this person is goes twenty years sin free and gets pis*sed at his or her spouse. Shoots her or him (which would be enough by it’s self) then goes on a killing rampage? Although I don’t believe in a burning hell, I believe that we who try to love will not be placed by evil people after our final judgment. These people that chose hatred and evil will just have each other for comfort for the eternities. A person in my opinion will be judged by their goodness in them and how they treated their fellow beings in this life. OSAS If that were all there is to it, why would someone even bother to try to be the person they should if they were one of those type humans that are in my opinion prone to evil? Some people just enjoy being evil to their fellow beings.


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