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Reply to "Another Claim to have a pipeline from God"

Hi Mary Haddock,

Welcome to the Religion Forum.  Please do not allow the extremely negative atheists and other non-believers to get under your skin.   Keep in mind that they are still walking in spiritual darkness -- and cannot know the joy we have in Jesus Christ.

I just received the following e-mail newsletter from Dr. David Jeremiah:


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ . . ."  Romans 1:16


We've all experienced it:  A clique of "cool kids" at school decides to reduce our significance.  We aren't welcomed or included.  We  may even be called unpleasant names.  In the workplace, a particular employee might not be invited to significant policy meetings or is excluded from social gatherings. This treatment is what the Bible is experiencing today in our culture.  God's Word is being  "marginalized" -- pushed to the edge of our families and even our churches!

The gradual process of marginalization happens so slowly that we almost don't notice societal shifts till after the fact.  We wake up one day and the Bible has moved from a central position of education and authority to a shelf next to books by leading atheists, trivializing its content and intimidating its readers.

You and I can't control how others view or treat the Bible.  But there's one place we can stop its marginalization: our own lives.  When we do that, the Bible will gain new traction in our homes, churches, and communities.  Don't miss the significance of living in this particular moment of history.  Nothing could be more dangerous than to wander thoughtlessly down the path of marginalizing the Bible.


"Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself  -- but because it contradicts them." 

Author Unknown

I just want to share this with you.  Mary, please do not allow the naysayers to discourage you.  Just remember that we walk in the Light and must help those who still walk in spiritual darkness -- even when they call us names.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




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