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Assassins And Atheists

Hi to my Forum Friends,

There are things which will always be a mystery to me in this life. One such thing which has always been, not only hard, but, I must say -- impossible, for me to get my mind around is cold, premeditated murder. I can see where a person might, in a temporary fit of rage or insanity, kill another. However, my mind will not grasp how a person can actually plan and carry out the murder of another person.

I realize that there are people such as this. "For hire" assassins have this kind of personality; cold, no conscience. Yet, no matter how much I ponder; no matter how I try to analyze and understand the thought process a person must use to plan a murder and then actually commit that murder -- my mind cannot grasp it. It is beyond my thoughts; beyond my understanding. Yet, we do know there are people who can take the life of another without a second thought; as though he/she were killing a mosquito.

The same train of thought, the same lack of ability to make my mind grasp it, applies to people who vehemently deny the existence of God. In one sense, I can somewhat understand this attitude -- for I believe it to be more of a defense mechanism rather than a true belief. I equate this person to the ostrich who will hide its head in the sand -- to evade danger. A person can strongly deny God -- trying to avoid the conflict of having to hold one's self accountable to God; and not to self. So, by adamantly denying God; these people eventually brainwash themselves and fools themselves into, consciously, believing, at at least accepting the idea, there is no God.

But, the person I cannot understand, the person I mentally equate with the no-conscience hired assassin -- are the people who will not only deny God; but, will mock, defame, and actually curse God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. Once again, this is an attitude, a belief, I cannot get my mind around.

When I was a young boy, I attended different churches in Sheffield: Nazarene, Methodist, Baptist -- until an incident in a church drove me away. From the age of twelve until I was fifty -- I ran from God, I was not a believer, I was not a Christian. Yet, all during that period of my life -- I never doubted the existence of God; I never doubted that Jesus Christ was God. I knew all of that intellectually; I just did not accept it spiritually; I did not allow Him to control my life. I stayed in control; as the mess I created many times throughout that period of my life will attest.

All during those years, if anyone asked if I was a Christian; my immediate answer was, "Yes, I am a Christian. I believe in God; I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I use to go to church -- and sometimes still do." Yet, I was far from being a Christian; I definitely was not saved. But, whenever asked -- I would quickly put on my Christian hat. Unless, of course, that would prevent me from going to a bar or night club for the evening; or if it would threaten the relationship I had with my paramour of that evening.

In summary, I can somewhat understand the "ostrich" atheist who is still throwing a tantrum, screaming, "I am in charge!"

Yet, I will never understand those who willfully mock, defame, and denigrate God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. They have not given up on God; they have given up on themselves.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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