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Bring the Soldiers Home by A baptist preacher

Bring the Soldiers Home
This is alittle out dated but worth reading!
Dwight Moody
"Lay all your cards on the table," I once exhorted my hearers, seeking to enhance their sense of dedication to Jesus.

I was a student preacher at the time and my mentor later suggested I avoid sermonic images and illustrations drawn from questionable practices. Card-playing fell into that category of "questionable practices" as did dancing and drinking during my adolescent years.

He was right, I suppose, and I now relate that story to my own preaching students.

But the lyrics of a Kenny Rogers song keep running through my head as I think about the cacophony of questionable practices now occupying the time and attention of American soldiers on the far side of the world.

"You’ve got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run."

What works at the card table can also work on the battlefield.

It is time to fold our tents, pack our guns, and hand to somebody else the task of reforming Arab society in the deserts of Iraq.

What the president proclaimed last year is doubly true today: mission accomplished.
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