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Bro. Bill and Deep go way back

It was somewhat an easy decision for Eye-gor.

Secretly Eye had despised the fact that Deep had the most symmetrically placed eyeballs he had ever seen in a skull.

A hint of nervousness was apparent on many occasions by Deep when Eye seemed preoccupied, and at an uncomfortable distance, viewing Deeps noggin from every angle instead of concentrating on the project at hand.

Bill on the other hand had indebted himself to Deep. Deep had insisted, after the lot fell on Bill ,to make the journey into the disease ridden jungle in Bills stead.

Bills silver tongue in most cases would afford distraction enough against any adversary affording escape from a dazed platoon.

Deep, however knew the territory and the language ere slight-of-hand need complement persuasion.

Deep had been there before but the olive skin he had ,on that occasion, seen bathing under a waterfall was no influence in his decision. If anything the grappling that took place would surely come to mind and assist in capture of the “animal”.

Deeps arrival at the dock was almost unnoticed due to a skirmish involving Eye-gor and some authorities.

Attention immediately turned from Eye with shouts from the crowd and pointing to the spectacle above.

There above the on-lookers the boom from the boat swung Deep, on top of a bamboo cage and inside a screaming primate the likes of which not seen before. The descent not fast enough for the two, the catenary of the line held by the longshoremen was soon disturbed by the spectacle of Eye-gor and Bill dangling from it.

Lashed securely to a two wheel cart, a matched pair, the envy of any “skinner” Eye and Bill galloped away, down the street, pulling, out of town the caged animal with Deep surrendering no quarter for his position on top.

Safely back at the lab the better part of the evening was spent by the three pacing silently about the perimeter of the cage.

Only an occasional muttering to themselves by the odd trio drew a suspicious glance from the “animal” who seemed to be reconciled to the fact he was in the company of three creatures much like himself .

The next morning Bill sat silently nursing his mind over his several failed attempts to lure anyone from the town as a necessary ingredient in the “experiment”.

The reason Bill had convinced himself the “subject” would likely come from one of several Episcopalians ,as it turned out , was only curiosity in his rhetoric and one Episcopalian in particular who kept sounding alarms of suspicion causing the entire covey to flush out of Bills reach.

Eye-gor could certainly assist Bill if an outright capture became necessary but Eye-gor’s short attention span was too easily spoiled by the ladies resulting usually in involvement by the authorities.

As the days passed tensions grew amongst the three over the lack of a “subject” for the experiment.

To further complicate matters it was obvious Deep’s hacking cough was not getting better but worse.

Apparently the animal was not the only thing with which Deep returned.
The disease was nasty and accompanied with episodes of fever and delirium during the nights with howls of distress echoed in a sympathetic moan from the caged beast in the lab below.

Sleep deprivation on the part of Eye and Bill had conjured evil intent. Repeated attempts by Bill at night with sponges to somehow break the fever turned to thoughts of a generous apothecary of Hemlock.

Bill was ashamed the thought had even reared it’s ugly head. A deed such as this would not go unnoticed by Eye-gor as Eye-gor’s head was constantly the background view. Bill’s heart was pierced with the though of Deeps demise at his own hand and tears of regret filled Bills eyes as Deep feebly pulled Bill near and muttered “Bill” “I owe Asclepius a **** will you remember to pay the debt”?

Deep was immediately rushed to the lab below and Bill had never seen such precision in assistance by
Eye-gor as contraptions were made ready for the operation.

Several weeks had passed in recuperation since the successful operation. Other than the discomfort of a weekly poultice of mild lye to remove the body hair Deeps brain was functioning all too well in his new body.

Not only had he won over the Episcopalians but the whole town and when the votes were tallied Deep was elected mayor by a landslide. Only one dissenting vote cast by one single Episcopalian.

Bill was appointed as tax collector and Eye was happy with his view of the world , as never before, through a different set of eyes.
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