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Originally posted by barbaros45:
Do you think this is a problem compounded by the teachers? Common sense...why would teachers instigate trouble that would just multiply their problems....the students came from home with this attitude, and no teacher can change it....

I disagree somewhat with this. Most teachers don't, but I have seen too many who look down on children for the way they dress, their low rank in the social hierarchy of the school, etc.

Many of these "goth" kids are good kids. Smart kids. They just need someone to believe in them and many times they don't get that from home. But a teacher reinforcing that these kids are just "losers" while holding up the jocks as ideal students just adds to the "different" kids' negative self-worth.

I think it's funny that many of the jocks/cheerleaders/popular kids are the very ones you'll find having sex under the school bleachers or doing drugs at the weekend parties. At the same time, they are usually members of the school's "Circle C" club or other Christian club and are church-going fakes.

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