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Bu$h OK'$ Communi$m: $end more $$

Earlier, only Nixon could go to China.

But now, George W. Bush is continuing American political endorsement of communism by encouraging trade with communist Viet Nam.

Apparently, it's not enough that Wal-Mart's new slogan is "We buy made in China so you can too" (or is it 'Weewon China, and wonton too'?). Nor is it enough that billions of American dollars are being spent building Chinese factories in a nation where families face communist-government-mandated one-child-per-family policy forces abortion on every woman whom becomes pregnant twice.

Unbridled greed is the culprit behind U.S. endorsed loss of good-paying American jobs to China.

The rule, rather than the exception, is that there is never enough money to be made.

It cannot be said that 'no families were harmed' in the making of "free trade."

When, in the name of free trade, Americans' jobs are deliberately sent overseas with the tax forgiveness blessing of government, there are clear winners and losers.

The recent death of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman who advocated unbridled "free trade" as a method of building personal is an interesting case in point of governmental fiscal hypocrisy.

It was Friedman who, in large part, designed the current system of federal tax withholding about which most everyone complains. And, it was Friedman whom later said he was a Republican because it was the expedient, not because he believed in their ideals (though he supplied them with ideas).

It certainly seems clear that those radicals have been the source of much of our modern fiscal problems.

Forget about so-called "tax-and-spend liberals."

A Republican (Reagan) tripled our national debt, and when there was a surplus, it was a Republican (Bush II) whom spent it and a whole lot more in the blink of an eye.

No one's family- not yours, not mine, not your neighbors, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, enemies- no one can live like that, and neither can (nor should) the U.S. Government.

It's time to put the George Bush II supersized federal government on a pay-as-you-go diet!
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