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Can't see the forrest for the trees!

This man knows the problem but fails to see the REAL Source of the problem.  He's so sure it's Donald Trump that is responsible for threats to his reporters but fails to consider that maybe it's the concerted effort on his, the paper's owner, and other Democrats and liberals to overthrow the President at all cost including promoting lies and creating fake/false news in order to accomplish those plans.  

At no other time, even in the 1960s & 1970s with Richard Nixon, have we had such an aggressive and biased media.  Even during the impeachment of Nixon or even Clinton, there was bipartisan participation and rights given to the accused that have all but disappeared with the current effort (COUP) against Donald Trump.  This editor can't conceive of voters being angry at people manufacturing reasons to invalidate their legitimate vote or with a paper converting from a news source to a propaganda machine for political reasons. 

I don't know where all this will end but hopefully, the American public can and will speak with one solid, loud, voice and re-elect Donald Trump for four more years sending an unmistakable message to people that we still live in a Democracy and not a 3rd world banana republic.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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