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Charge Definited

I saw a pundit state in an ominous tone that Manafort was the first presidential advisor to be charged with committing a "conspiracy against the United States."  Sound serious, and, in a manner, it is.  However, one must understand, that its a tax charge, not treason.  Manafort is charged with money laundering -- 8 of the 10 charges when he was working the Podesta Group (a Democrat lobbying firm, now closed).  

Its one of those catch all charges I really hate.  Have any of you ever paid cash for personal services -- the babysitter, the person who cut your grass, or tipped a waiter (in cash).  Are you certain that person reported their earning on their federal income tax return?  If, they didn't, the government has the potential to charge you with the same crime.  

That's why I hate vague catch all laws and prefer bright line law -- law that doesn't require 12 pages of explanation and an hour to explain to a jury. 


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