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Reply to "Chick -- I Have NEVER Wanted To See You Banned!"

quote:   Originally Posted by Jennifer Bestworking:

I don't know how people CAN handle the death of a child, so I am certainly not going to tell anyone that they are handling it wrong.  I don't think there is a wrong way.  Want to talk about a hell?  That my friend has to be a "hell on earth" as the saying goes.  So to me whatever helps a person cope or get through it to the point they can have one day not filled with pain is fine by me.  And as to how long it takes, you can't put a time limit on it. 


Unless you personally have gone through that hell, you can't possibly understand the grief they have.  I could go out on a limb and add, especially a mother losing her childAnd it is not because fathers love their children less.  My husband absolutely loves our children as much as I do, but I honestly think a mother's grief is more intense.  I guess I will get attacked for that but any mother on here should know what I mean.  So, Semi, let me say this, don't worry about what other people think.  I don't see it as needing "attention" and if anyone else sees it that way that's their problem.

Hi Jennifer,


I agree with you 100%.  Even though both parents love a child -- the mother's feelings toward a child she has carried, nurtured, and loved within her own body for nine months has no worldly comparison, except possibly God's love for us.


When Chick wrote that she had lost a child, my heart hurt for her.   I have lost a number of loved ones -- parents, very close relatives, and other loved ones.  But, that cannot begin to compare to even the thought of losing a child or a grandchild.  I am not sure how I would or could handle that.  So, my heart does go out to Chick. 


And, if Chick, or anyone, chooses to share something like this with us on the Religion Forum -- she should be able to do that without anyone making this part of any argument, debate, or disagreement.  That is the comfort we should be able to offer one another in such a time; just to be there to listen -- to be a needed shoulder and sounding board, not a critic.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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