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Reply to "Confirmation of what everyone always knew"

Jack Hammer posted:
You aren't allowed what the liberal D'Rats whining nose suckers are
allowed. Also they will rail against you and your family physically, having
shown this since Nov. 2016. Did I mention the cowards run in packs like
the sniffing animals they've lowered themselves, and for what reason..??  

I have no doubt you will get blowback on this but those who do so will find it difficult, if not impossible, to prove otherwise.  It isn't the conservatives or Republicans who are prohibiting people from eating at restaurants or refusing to serve them.  I thought that type of exclusion and activity was outlawed and it would have been if it was race-based or gender-based but politically based is not a factor that is protected, especially if you fall on one side of the isle versus the other. 

IF those on the right acted similar to those on the left (BLM & ANTIFA) and others you'd hear outrage and bellowing from everywhere denouncing the restrictive activities and calls for legislation to protect "their" freedom to do as they please.  As it is the protected ones are the ones who are refusing service to conservatives and those who are conservative, or worse, religious are prohibited from abiding by their faith and prohibiting service to someone in a direct threat to their beliefs or positions.

No better evidence exists that what I've said in the above paragraph than that which happened to the Kentucky school children in Washington.  The media castigated them, lampooned them, criticized them for standing up to an old man beating his drum as they attacked those around them that didn't believe as they do.  OH WAIT, video proved that the media made up that narrative and the truth was just the opposite.  As long as it looked as the conservative, pro-Trump, Christians were the aggressors, the offenders then it was front-page "breaking" news but once revealed retractions moved back into the stack of news and the story died away.  There isn't a double standard there are multiple levels of standards that exist out there.

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