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Reply to "Continued Prayer Needs For 2 Year Old Edley Lattimore"

Bill asked for prayers and good wishes. The first thing up was Unob saying prayers are a waste of time and donate money. Then it became a war of money is better than prayers and prayers are the LEAST someone can do.


So it became a playground for the atheists belittling the religious for prayer, as these things always do.


No one wished the child anything but good luck BUT since all the flowing vile took over, that message was garbled in with the rest.


So yes, semi, I would say that the message Bill wanted got lost in the usual talking points of religion vs science vs money..


And yes, best, it was turned into a battlefield. As I stated, NO ONE wished the child anything but the best.


Had everyone simply said Best Wishes, prayers going up, good karma sent your way, etc... all could have been avoided.



Best wishes to the family.

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