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Reply to "Debt"

Hi Senior,


I find your opening comments very revealing.  You write:


As an Atheist I was very pleased with the outcome of the Thursday September 30th debate at the University of North Alabama.  The topic, "God does not exist" was defended by Blair Scott, communications director of American Atheists Inc., while Kyle Butt, christian apologist with Apologetics Press argued against.


Notice that you capitalize Atheist, Thursday, University of North Alabama, Blair Scott, American Atheists Inc, Apologetics Press, etc. -- but, you do not capitalize Christian.  Why?  Was this merely a convenient oversight -- or a purposeful slight?


Most people do not capitalize Atheist because it is not a proper name.  Yet, Christian is a proper name -- a form taken from the name of Jesus Christ.   So, what was it, Senior, oversight or contempt?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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