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Democrats are quivering, with fear, in their boots.

The Democrats, whether they, Crash Override or the other Democrats on the forum, will admit it, suffered unprecedented electoral losses/defeats throughout the United States for the most part.  Trump's victory, though unforeseen by most and unpredicted by almost all if not all the polls was stunning enough leaving Hillary so emotionally upset that she was crying inconsolably to the point of having to have Podesta come out and send home her supporters at her Headquarters Wake.  Obama, himself, trying to put on a good face surely sees his Legacy disappearing and knows that his political endorsement carries with it the kiss of political death.

So now the news is filled with plenty of snowflake young people running around like Chicken Little fearful that the sky is falling on them and that the Earth will not survive a Trump Administration to succumb to Man Made Global Warming that they are led to believe is their greatest threat to their survival.  So what about Democrats in general?  Why are they so fearful?  I submit and suggest that they are direly afraid that when Trump assumes the Presidency on January 20th along with Republican control of the Senate and House that unprecedented growth, jobs, and success will follow him all without a single Democrat or liberal being able to claim responsibility for it.  Already, even before Trump is sworn in markets and the dollar's value is showing confidence in a Trump administration that Obama never saw or experienced.   note that this article does leave open other possibilities that some other jobs will leave but those are unfounded worries more than fact based fears.


are just some indications that Trump's election is having some results prior to him even taking power.  I can imagine that Democrats, and the National (Liberal) Media is on pins and needles fearing that not only will Obama's numbers of executive orders will be written away but that people will began to feel optimistic and actually see signs that there is unprecedented growth on the horizon which could have a most devastating affect upon the electorate and that is confidence in Republican leadership and recognizing that the warnings the Democrats have been spewing are nothing but hyperbole and  outright falsehoods.  Worse than that if jobs began to come to the inner cities and locations of steadfast democratic control, such as Chicago and Detroit and Philadelphia, Pittsburg and the like, then minorities that democrats have held down may began to find jobs and actually join the middle class from a dependent class and start to question the Democratic talking points that they have been indoctrinated to accept unquestionably.   Along with that if Trump's wall actually gets built and Law and Order actually become a part of the Justice Department then people may see crime and along with it drug proliferation start to come down or find a harder path into the areas that they now flow fairly easily.  Lastly, and maybe more difficult if American's start seeing our infrastructure system start being refurbished and restored then people may actually feel America is becoming great again and come to the frame of mind that the Republicans and Trump are responsible for it and that Democrats have been keeping the Nation down and taking care of themselves before the Nation. 

I believe they are afraid of Success!

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

Last edited by gbrk
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