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Reply to "Discussion Blocked -- And For A Good Reason"

Yes, that is certainly an unbiased source for accurate scientific information.

They gave their sources,

3 Sydney Men And Sexual Health (SMASH) Study, 1995, Volume B2, Australian Society of HIV Medicine.
4 International Social Science Program (ISSP), Component of the National Social Science Survey (NSSS), of the Social Sciences Data Archives (SSDA), at the Australian National University (ANU). Family Life Survey 1989-90.
5 Statistics on Drug Abuse in Australia in 1994. Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health. AGPS, ISSN 0817 - 3575.
6 Kippax S. (1995) Predictors of unprotected male-to-male anal intercourse with casual partners in a national sample. Australian Journal of Public Health 19:2:132.
7 Kiviat 1993 as reported in Mindel 1995, Human Papilloma Virus Edward Arnold. p70.
8 Melbye M. (1994) High incidence of anal cancer among AIDS patients. Lancet. 343 (I) :636.
9 Gold J., Yeuming L., Kaldor J. (?1994) Premature Mortality in Australia 1983 -1992; The first decade of the AIDS Epidemic.
10 Australian Social Trends 1995 ABS Canberra."

If you care to refute with stats, please do, but " Even if all the stats were true (they aren't)" doesn't quite cut it! Thats school yard stuff.
Roll Eyes

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