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Double Standards and Hyprocrisy Abounds Today!

A 2nd Woman accuses the VA Lt. Gov.   and.    VA Gov. Plans to survive!

Remember Kavanaugh and how the grandstanding Democrats on the Judicial committee fell all over themselves shouting how the woman was to be believed and to be heard?  Remember how with Bret Kavanaugh it was GUILTY until proven innocent ... no wait it was GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!! there was no thought of him being innocent with the Democrats and/or the Media.  Remember Alabama Senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore and the admiringly "forged" yearbook and the smear campaign orchestrated by the Washington (Bezos) Post?  He wasn't worthy to run or be elected to Senator even though the yearbook signature/entry was forged.

Flash ahead to now and the fact that it's a TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY now that it's a Democrat and Democrat scandals.    Where are all the Democrats shouting that the women are to be believed, regardless, and calling for the accused men to shut up?  Where is the media outrage for the Governor to resign and acceptance of nothing less?  

You think Kavanaugh was a hit job just wait and see what the Dems and the Media does if RBG happens to pass or resign from the Supreme Court.  The next candidate/nominee will get such a hit piece and hit job that Kavanaugh will be but a vague memory.  The VA Governor (Northam) and the Lt. Gov scandals will be a totally different situation and no comparison to any prospective conservative replacement of Ginsburg (RBG) if she does somehow resign or have to leave the court.

It doesn't even matter that there is hypocrisy or overt BIAS in the media's reporting they wear it as a badge of honor these days.  Just imagine the scrutney a Republican 1st term lawmaker would get (male or female), from the media, if they offered up as stupid a plan as AOC's Democratic GREEN NEW DEAL.  The only thing more insane than AOC are the voters who chose to elect her to that position of power.  To think of her qualifications and capabilities and the salary that she's now bringing down just boggles the mind.  

Back to the original topic of this post and really whose actually (really) surprised at the hypocrisy of those mentioned with regards to what's going on in Virginia?  Everyone knows it will be a "totally different situation" and warrants totally different outcomes.  Everyone knows Democrat's can't be racist ... ever.  Only Republicans can be and are racist and are considered so without any provocation or evidence they just haven't been outed yet. 

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

Last edited by gbrk
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