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Reply to "Go to church, or get locked up"

Originally Posted by semiannualchick:
Originally Posted by mary haddock:

first off let me say i didn't know i was screaming!! i will say i'm sorry for that. and i didn't mean for god to literally hit her on the head.See how people have different points!!,yes i am a christian and proud of it.


people just want god out of everything,but take god's word for it,someday they might wish that they had.there should be no arguring over god,believe it or not that is our heart aches for unbelievers,we are all sinners,but through jesus christ we can be forgiven,and i thank god for jesus.


Good to know you didn’t know you were screaming.

Since God can’t hit anyone on the head, I realize that you didn’t mean literally hit her.  We all have our own opinions about any topic on this forum. Doesn’t make one right & another wrong but each of us is entitled to an opinion. Sort of like someone being color blind. They may see yellow when you see blue.


I disagree that people want God out of everything. The ones that don’t believe in God just don’t want Him shoved down their throats & being told they’re going to a Hell they don’t believe in. You may not understand how they can feel that way but they don’t understand how you can believe in something that is non-existent in their eyes. No one should be put down for the beliefs they have or don’t have.

 Semi, thought I would reply to this post because I have made the statement about people wanting religion out of everything.  That certainly isn't the case with ALL but it also is with some just as there are all types of Christians that fall along the spectrum so when I make that statement just know I'm not lumping all into that category. 

Also, I think you know and understand, I am not one that believes in "shoving" anything down someone's throat.  While I may be forward, in this forum, it's because I consider it very appropriate, in this forum, to defend the gospel and at times share, at times with scripture, what I believe and answer various topics.  While yes I do understand that there are some that feel it necessary to force feed people their beliefs, and worse, their judgment upon others,  I hope you know I'm not one of them and disapprove of that approach. 

I do wonder though, in the case of a few that are constantly negative, constantly demeaning to Christians and do not seem to care to have dialog or debate but constantly harass or heckle, why a person that doesn't care to have dialog comes in a place where they know Christ, with respect to Christians, or Religion with respect to other faiths will be or has a very good chance to be talked about.  Many may have an interest or curiosity but to jump in just to "call BS" on everything Christian because their opinion is different isn't really neighborly.  They already know they don't agree with anything and if their only reason is to come in and call BS on what they don't share an opinion of, knowing that the forum is for Religion, then that is equivalent to Christians who invade Atheist forums preaching and condemning them.  Those are the ones I don't understand remaining here for no other reason than to harass, frankly. 


Most people that don’t believe have read some of the Bible, if not all, for them to chose to believe in it or not. Some were raised in church & a Christian home but chose at a later time to not believe. It’s not up to you or I to judge those people.


I’ve said before & will say again that I’m sort of in the middle. I can quote the Bible with the best of them, I was raised in a Christian home, & at one time was saved & baptized. I’ve been judged by the “Christian folks” & have no use for those that tell me they love me in one breath & that I’m going to Hell in the next.


Any Christian, in my opinion, pronouncing judgment upon another individual (Christian or not), is not abiding by Christ directions or living according to the Scriptures.  That is my own opinion and might not be shared by others but I have yet to have anyone show me where it is commanded that we set in judgment of another human.  I have yet also, even though I have ask, for anyone to show me, from Scripture, an example of Christ doing so during His earthly ministry.


I’ve never understood, if Christians have the faith in prayer as they claim to have, why they can’t just pray for someone they see as lost, instead of having the need to preach & shove it down our throats. There’s a church on every block if we want to be preached to.

If your heart aches for any unbeliever, I suggest you take that faith you claim to have & pray for them, instead of coming at them like they’re stupid for believing differently than you do.

They may not want your prayer but unless you shout it from the roof tops they won’t know.


My opinion is in no way meant to criticize or offend you, it’s just what it is… opinion.


I do realize that you are speaking, first person.  In other words as someone who has experienced such treatment and occurrences.  This is very regretful, at least to me, and not scriptural, in my opinion.  Realize that Christians are not perfect but just as imperfect as anyone else so they make mistakes also.  Likewise anyone telling you that you have to get rid of all your sin(s) in order to be saved or get right with God is also disingenuous to the Scriptures and what Christ said. There are many people that are given the impression that they have to perfect themselves and conform to someone elses morals or standards in order to accept Christ.  That is not true either for there are many people, I have met, that love God and have said to me I'm not ready to give up living right now but when I get ready I'll ask Jesus in my heart then.  I fully believe they have been given a corrupted gospel and one that is not true.  I do believe that God can work through specific people, in the lives of another person, but no person has the right to be in judgment of you, or me, or anyone else for if they do then they are not following Christ example.  Both those examples, that I just gave, having to perfect their life according to someone's standards and being hyper judgmental are the two things I believe most Christians have a tendency to do, that causes harm to the cause of Christ.  But again that is just my opinion

Very good and sincere reply.  I still see you as a very thoughtful and caring person even though you responded to me in another post indicating you get riled up at times.  Sometimes people have a right and reason to, myself included.    



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