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humor in the death of......

why do republicon/conservatives find humor or condone killing/ or the killing of democrats/ liberals? is it fear? is it just dehumanizing the opponent? is it just just blind hate? is it confusion over the fact that they're fellow americans? why are y'all so flippant over the destruction of human life? pro-life party? really? yet the following posts were made just this month, in the past 30 days. i'm just curious as to why this is so acceptable to any of us... is this what politics has actually come to? i disagree with you, you need to die. i know that's a little extreme, but so are most of these posts.

Crash.Override posted:
direstraits posted:

I suspect we will read about Dems actually leaving the country, either thru migration or mass suicide.


giftedamateur posted:

Sounds great.


direstraits posted:

It would cost much more to clean up a nuked LA, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle.  Yes, it would significantly reduce the number of Democrats. 




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