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Christian dogma teaches that Christ shed his blood for our sins. Thus, thanks to the sacrifice we are either without sin or at the least our sins do not matter. Our personal responsibility for our conduct has been removed by a myth.

Christianity is not a "get out of hell free" card. Being a christian does not give you a free pass, regardless of what some may teach. There must be a genuine turing from the desire to commit sin as evidenced from what is in the deepest recesses of your heart. This part is not well understood, even among christians. Your personal responsibility for your conduct remains.

The crucifixion? Arguably, the most horrible death imaginable; reserved by Romans for the worst offenders. Mechanism of death is slow suffocation, as your diaphragm is extended and you have to fight for breath. Christians teach that Jesus willingly went to his death; similar to the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed. This action was in response to God's demand for justice which, admittedly, seems a bit severe.

As the blood-debt for sin was paid, mercy could be extended to those who would accept it. This was also similar to the Jewish practice of "the judas goat" who carried all transgressions into the wilderness. Jesus was crucified the day before Passover and removed from the cross before sunset, as custom dictated. His resurrection occurred on the Jewish holiday of the Feast of First Fruits; ostensibly the first fruits of the resurrection.

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