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If not now then when?

President Trump is taking heat, major heat for his Trade War or Tariffs with China.  China has been killing the United States in Trade and Business since they decided to become an economic behemoth on the World Stage and being a Communist nation it doesn't seem to make sense that they are so invested in something so Capitolist in nature and thinking.  In the case of China though there is no Capitalism and while there has developed a middle Class in China due to all the trade with the US and other nations the danger is that China and it's government ties trade and the ability to grow and control the economic stage with it's own sovereignty and to mess with their economic health and economy is like a threat to their land and Nation.  

In other words we might see it as a trade war but China could very easily blur the difference between trade war and actual military conflict war which could be very bad.  All this considered though the rate at which China was, and is, growing economically along with their thefts of technology which in some cases was allowed as we turned our collective heads in order to allow them to get richer, I suppose, in hopes that China would drop Communism for Capitalism and we could all sing happily together as we all held hands.  At some point China wasn't just wanting to compete economically and on a level playing field but they had the desire to totally dominate and achieve control of our Nation economically and up till Trump was elected they had an open window and clear path laid out for them to do just that.

Trump came along and had the vision to 'Make America Great Again" and not just in one area but to be tops and first across the board from Economics to Military and in ever sense.  Trouble is that China already had such a huge foothold in this Nation and the Trade imbalance was only growing exponentially so something had to be done while it still could be and that's why I think Trump is doing what he is doing.   China had built in labor advantages with their slave, at a gun, labor sources of millions of people and even as their wealth grew they were able to make many of those people's lives better.  Because of the trade imbalance (all you have to do is look at just how much was "Made in China" of what is sold) there was and is going to be pain and the question is just how much pain there will be and can we endure it.  If Trump had not been elected and we had 4 to 8 years of Hillary or any Democrat then quite likely China would have had such economic control that we, America, couldn't fight back and would have only been able to concede to whatever China wanted.  China still has huge parts of America bought and paid for and can cause economic pain but they aren't yet to the point that it cannot be turned around or at least greatly slowed down.

I hate the thought of higher prices on everything but it was bound to happen and I'd much rather it happen on our terms than China's.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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