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IRS Knew that Stolen Social Security Numbers were used by Illegal Immigrants since 2011

Still today, the IRS has sat on their hands for 5 years and done Nothing to address this issue.

This has been an ongoing issue since Obama was elected President. While the IRS, a government run organization, one which benefits from political groups (Democrats) proposing for bigger government & higher taxes, become close friends when funding is requested.  Remember when the IRS was exposed of extreme Favoritism toward liberal Democrat "Non-Profit" groups and were approved with ease, but whereas, conservative group "Non-Profits" were denied status by the IRS, by imposing red tape, countless follow ups and new applications having to be resubmitted, stone-walling conservative groups from obtaining Non-Profit status. What's to make of Obama's tenured IRS, reacting to the use of Individual American's Social Security Numbers by illegal Immigrants but could care less if the SS number was stolen or not? IRS just wanted the Taxes.. to hell with the fact its becomes crime - Identity Theft comes to mind to name only one and may evolve into other crimes being committed in your SS number's honor. 

As a working, tax paying 60 year old person, you may not care someone else is paying into your retirement SS account, until you find out the horror that someone else is also collecting your SS Benefit Payments early. Wait, you are still working, how can that be? Illegal Immigrants have stolen your SS number to give to an employer here in the US and they decided they would draw on your SS number. The IRS knew about it, but refused to notify you that your SS number had been Stolen & is in use by someone else, not assigned your number...IRS knows it, but does nothing about it.. You have to ask yourself, Whats wrong with this Picture? Makes no Common Sense. Political Game Playing !!! At American Citizenship Expense.  The IRS will not notify you or tell you Who is using your SS number...

Here you can read:

IRS doesn’t tell 1M taxpayers that illegals stole their Social Security numbers

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