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Reply to "Justice"

Hi Firenze,

You write, "I rarely support capital punishment, as in death.  I do support Life Without Possibility Of Parole.  I certainly thought that Tucker's death sentence should have been commuted, but I was not the one to decide that.  While I honestly believe she was a changed woman, it's pretty easy for every prison inmate to claim an epiphany.  Should we release them all?  If a bank robber repents should we allow him to keep his money?  It's called a slippery slope."

You and I are on the same page with this.  Just as with the followers of Charles Manson, the same with Karla Faye Tucker -- if their conversions are real (and I cannot judge that; only the person and God can) -- I say commute the sentence to life in prison without  parole.

Yet, to me, that would be a worse sentence -- for a Christian believer, even one who has committed horrible crimes, knows that leaving this world means being with Jesus Christ.   Personally, I would rather be with Him than in prison for life.  On the other hand, being in prison still offers a true believer the chance to be His witness and to help lead others to salvation in Jesus Christ.

In one of his prison epistles, Paul wrote to the people of Philippi, in Philippians 1:21-24, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is  gain.  But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose.  But I am  hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in  the flesh is more necessary for your sake."

That should always be the desire of a Christian believer -- to live on, regardless of circumstances, and bear fruit of salvation among those still in the grasp of today's secular world and society.

Several times I have written about my Friend, Momma Olga Robertson, who spent almost 50 years of her life in prison ministry -- for 25 years living within the prison compound of the largest prison in Manila, in a home built for her and her son, Shalom, by the inmates.

Olga witnessed to prisoners at all levels -- from petty thieves to those on death row.  She helped quite a few, even among those on death row, become Christian believers.  But, those believers on death row all had one thing in common at their execution.  They died with a smile on their faces -- for they knew that in just a few moments they would be in the presence of their Lord and Savior, Jesus  Christ -- for eternity.

Olga Robertson wrote a book about her years living in New Bilibid Prison in Manila, Philippines.  The title is The Men In My Life and anyone interested in a copy can probably get it through the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (California) book store -- or I can put you in touch with Olga's daughter, Kay, who can help you.

There is a great article about Momma Olga Robertson in the Calvary Chapel Magazine:


An excerpt from that article tells us:

Not long ago, a young woman, Anna Jose, was introduced to Olga’s autobiography, The Men In My Life, in a Sunday school class.  The book includes the story of the three rapists.  Anna told the Sunday school teacher that she was the product of one of those rapes.  When Olga was introduced to Anna, she comforted the young woman with the assurance that her father had repented of his sins and would one day be there to meet her in heaven -- where their shared history of sorrow and shame would be forever turned to joy.

Yes, good can come from past evils -- when God is allowed into the story; when the door is opened and Jesus Christ is invited to come in (Revelation 3:20) and be our best Friend.

So, Firenze, like you, I most likely would have voted for Karla Faye's conviction to be commuted to Life Without Parole.  But, that decision was not placed upon our shoulders.

Yet, you and I do have certain powers.  We have the power of prayer for our nation and its leaders.  And, we have the power of the vote -- which we will get to exercise in a major election coming in 2012.   We have the power to bring more Christian influence into the governing bodies in America.

Before our atheist and secularist Friends begin to jump up and down, screaming, "Theocracy!  Theocracy!  Theocracy!" -- let me assure all of our Friends that no Christian believer, still functioning with a sane mind, wants a mortal theocracy in America.  What we want to see is more Christian influence in the governing bodies -- to balance the overwhelming secular power there today.

There is only one theocracy that Christians want to see -- and that will come after the Rapture and after the seven year Tribulation.  It is called the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ -- and He WILL rule the world from the throne of David in Jerusalem for 1000 years.   That theocracy we look forward to enjoying.   A mortal theocracy today -- would be as bad as having a totally secular government.

So, please keep this in mind when you vote in 2012 -- Christian influence in government, not a theocracy, leading us back once again to the Christian America of our roots.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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