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Killing the Family Farm

The family farm is dead.

Long live the family farm!

(Perhaps it should be entitled "Killing the Family AND the Farm"?)

"Freedom to farm" and all such nonsense monikers are the passphrases that today are the corporate-operated farm lobbyists delight.

When large multi-national corporations own farmers because they own not the means of production, but the produce itself, what does that make the farmer?

A modern-day sharecropping slave, nicely called a modern-day tenant-in-residence?

They take all the risks, and obtain little of the ultimate reward.

They assume millions of dollars of risk by purchasing equipment and crop risks, and are in debt to the companies whose seed they grow!

Imgaine that!

Companies own seed?

Oh yeah...

Welcome to the Factory Farm!

The family farm is dead.

Long live the family farm!
Original Post

Untitled Document