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Liberal Law Professor: Milk is a 'Racist Tool' of 'White Supremacy'

Legal Writing Professor Iselin Gambert writes in a new research paper, warning of the consequences of drinking milk can have on American society, saying: “Sociologist Professor E. Melanie Dupuis has studied the historical links between milk-drinking and manifestations of White supremacy in society.” Milk is a “symbol and tool” of “white dominance and superiority,” according to Gambert, who explains:

Milk is one of the most ubiquitous and heavily regulated substances on the planet – and perhaps one of the most contested. "It is tied closely to notions of purity, health, and femininity, and is seen as so central to human civilization that our own galaxy – the Milky Way – is named after it. "But despite its wholesome reputation, milk has long had a sinister side, being bound up with the exploitation of the (human and nonhuman) bodies it comes from and being a symbol of and tool for white dominance and superiority.


Becomes more apparent everyday, liberals are very mindlessly stupid--------

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