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More whites on welfare

More whites on welfare? Yes. But...


Kaendar informed me that more white people are on welfare than black. He is correct. But I'd like to ask a question. What percentage of all white/black in america are on welfare? This is what i found out:

According to

- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

According to
- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:


Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in america on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in america on welfare is: 28.75%



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