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Obama says,"There's no reason why this can't get done." (The Budget)

Obama states there's excuse for this to not get done. He states," It could have got done one month ago, two months ago it could have got done three months ago.
This is last years budget. It should of got done last year. Now who controlled both houses
and the Presidency. Obama claims we can't have a gov't shut-down. Why wasn't he worried about
Last Years Budget Last Year?
He claim we can't have a my way or the highway.
Are you kidding me? When last year with health care that's exactly what they did
(the democrates)last year. They forced his pet project Obama Care on the country. Mabey if it's so critical that the gov't not shut down, why did they do that first and then try for Obama care. I'll tell you why. They knew after they lost the house last election, that they would not be able to ram this crap down our throats. So to beat the election the offered Exemptions for Unions, Certain states and groups. The rest of us can go to *@#!. Now they claim that the democrates are offering big cuts.
Really? How do you call them cuts? Last year this year thier so called cuts doesn't even come close to what was handed out in the name of saveing jobs. I think we should fund the military and shut down the hole *#!@ gov't. Bring the dems to thier knees and save the country.

Keep Marching to a Republican Victory,


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