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Reply to "Obamacare Rebates Refund Insurance Premiums With Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 Rule"

Originally Posted by seeweed:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:

Collective bargaining is another way of saying, over paid low skill

level people who can't keep a job unless they buy it.


You sure have no use for all the hard working people who built this country you seem intent on tearing down. 

A "right to work" (unionless) state, is in reality a "right to work for less" state.

Whattsamatter, you jealous that someone is getting  paid a living wage with benefits and you ain't ?


No, not at all, I've always made more than union wage but I climbed that

ladder without paying for protection. Most importantly I didn't support

organized union crime thugs that closed down thousands of jobs across

America. In most cases there is no way in hell those businesses could

pay out those kind of benefits for little or no return for their money.


Where Bo be now??

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