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Our Patriarch Abraham watched one of the Greatest Catastrophes on Planet Earth consume Sodom and Gomorrah


Sodom and Gomorrah today in the former Vail of Siddim

It not only destroyed all the cities of the Vail, but the crustal breach in the mantle of the earth ripped apart the landscape in the Land of Israel, down across what would later be called the “Dead Sea”, and then created the Gulf of Aquaba, moved onward to the south as it opened the Red Sea, and then would reach all the way down the Indian Oceanic coastline into Southern Africa.

So, three angels of the L-rd made a visit to give Abraham a startling message. Abraham was taken to the ridges looking down over to the verdune Vail of Siddim and there Abraham was informed that the days of Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah were over. 

They would have to flee or they would be destroyed in one of the first cataclysms since the Great Flood of Noah. Yet, the destruction at Sodom and Gomorrah was not just a local catastrophe; but a transcontinental catastrophe that tore open a crevasse in the African Continent from the Land of Israel to the Congo Basin. 

Sodom and Gomorrah today in the former Vail of Siddim

It not only destroyed all the cities of the Vail, but the crustal breach in the mantle of the earth ripped apart the landscape in the Land of Israel, down across what would later be called the “Dead Sea”, and then created the Gulf of Aquaba, moved onward to the south as it opened the Red Sea, and then would reach all the way down the Indian Oceanic coastline into Southern Africa.

The Triple Junction of the Afar region of Ethiopia with the Nubian African Plate to the west and the Ethiopian Dome and the Somalian Plate to the east. 

This mighty quake, heralded by bolides of fire, a firestorm of brimstone and earthquakes of a magnitude unheard of in the days of mankind.  Yet, watching the beginnings of this cataclysmic event were; the Patriarch Abraham and three angelic messengers sent from the Throne of G-d in heaven to the forefather of HaShem’s Chosen Peoples; the Jews of the House of Israel and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.

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