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Poll: Do you live here? Did? From here? And where are you now?

Hi Everyone,

There seems to be a good bit of interest on the boards about who is local, who isn't, and also discussions about why some former Shoals residents have moved away. I thought it might be interesting to see the lay of the land in an anonymous format.

I tried to include all the options I could think of while keeping them mutually exclusive. (Note that I left off possibilities of "Moved and I'm gone for good" versus "Moved and hope to get back" in order to simplify it as much as possible. But that's what the comments section is for!)
"Ignorance is excusable when it is borne like a cross, but when it is wielded like an axe, and with moral indignation, then it becomes something else indeed. " ~Flannery O'Connor
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