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Reply to "Proud To Be A Southerner And An Alabamian!"

I had a group of local teens sent to my back door to try to trick me into some survey...of course the last question was if I knew where I would go if I died that night.  I stopped them after a couple of questions (do you have children, etc.) and asked what the last one was.  When they said i asked them if their parents knew they were lying to and tricking people.  When they said their parents sent them I asked them if they knew this house was back off the street and no one could see them...if their parents meant to send them out to strangers' dangerous homes to lie to and trick them.


So they looked all confused and I asked them what church they were tricking people into going to, and when they told me I said i just wanted to know so I would know which churches were teaching their kids to lie to people.  I also told them they might want to rethink going to strangers' houses uninvited since lots of people have guns and don't appreciate people soliciting and tricking them.  


No group has come since...I wouldn't dream of going to someone's house to do that.  That is disgusting.

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