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Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Horror Picture Show



Waking up this beautiful morning after having a wonderful evening in beautiful downtownSavannah.  Last night, with the kiddies safely occupied, my wife and I strolled the beautiful squares ofSavannah, ate some delicious Chinese food, danced to an amazing Stevie Ray-Vaughn knock-off guitarist and his combo, and took in a show.


You see, one of my good friends is an amazing actor.  And he was in this incredible show, playing “Dr. Frankenfurter” in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  WHAT A RIOT !  The storyline is cheerfully decadent, the music excellent, and the acting was amazing.  If anyone is inSavannahnext tonight, I highly recommend the show.


But as I was walking out the door of the show, I got to thinking about the whole stigma surrounding people like my friend.  He’s gay.  And this really seems to freak out a whole lot of people in our society.  


So I was thinking…


Perhaps, as human beings, we should be a little more tolerant of everyone.  Possibly, if we recognize the good in a person, if we try to understand them, we can learn to like them, to respect them.  And possibly, if a person is liked and respected, that person can live a better, happier life.


And, as religionists, as some who read this forum are… perhaps we should try to live like Jesus, the greatest religionist who ever lived, would look at this person, with love and compassion, just like he looked at every other person on the planet, just as we might hope he would look at us.


So perhaps, instead of having to force ourselves into the intolerance of this ancient tome, or that man written scripture, we should attempt to think for ourselves, and to try, for ourselves, to live our lives in the manner which Jesus lived his.  Remember, Jesus left no writing on this world.  And he did it for a reason.  He knew that human beings, being what they are, would seize anything he left and worship it, that THING, in lieu of trying to live their lives like he tried so hard to teach them to.  Look at all the fuss generated by the so called “Shroud of Turin” for goodness sake.  There is proof of why he did what he did.


So le us, as religionists, follow the lead of the greatest religionist who will ever live on this world.  Let us learn something by the way he lived his life, rather than making so much noise about how he died.  


The world would thank us, and we would actually accomplish something for a change…

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