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Reply to "Selective Outrage"

gbrk posted:
1130 posted:

Trump isn't pure, actually far from it.  However he was elected to drain the swamp.  A choir boy doesn't have a chance doing that.  He has very little assistance, since the swamp is full with both parties.  I pray he wins the next election then starts exposing some of the republican swamp.   

on you said it, someone said Bill Clinton and Trump were alike.   Don't think so  Clinton had an affair with a 23 year old in the oval office.   Yes Trump is a player, however not in the oval office.  

Democrats elite are heavily financially invested in China.  I am waiting for it to come out that some republicans are also invested in China.  

If this whistle blower has such damaging testimony, then why hasn't the democrats brought her/him forward?   It is just a tool to be able to have hearings on Trump cabinet to try to find dirt.  I am questioning if there is even a whistle blower.

Regarding the last paragraph of your post, about the whistleblower ...I don't really see this person as a whistleblower but more a Democratic plant/mouthpiece The Democrats don't want the identity to come out for it would then reveal the highly partisan nature of the complaint and by doing this way they can do it, as they are doing most everything, in hiding and secret, where they only control what's released to their highly sympathetic (pathetic) partisan media.  

The Democrats are running around all high and mighty saying they are wanting to protect democracy when they are wanting to do the exact opposite in attempting a coup of a legitimately elected President.   I wouldn't go as far as to say that there aren't Republicans that would do the same but it's just that the Democrats have perfected the art of doing it.  Republicans didn't spend countless of days and millions of dollars investigating Obama and attempting to impeach him because Republicans just don't do that kind of thing, they prefer to win in the elections.  Sadly though there are plenty of Republicans who deserve to lose their positions also and as you alluded to are Swamp Republicans.  

I have no doubt that just as many Republicans, on the Hill, have taken advantage of ways to pad their pockets and take care of their families as have Democrats and that good ole boys (and girls) club consist of both parties regardless of who is in power.  If Republicans had attempted to impeach Obama and had done exactly what the Democrats are doing now, excluding the opposite parties politicians from their closed meetings, and going through the steps such that the subject of the impeachment investigation has no rights or ability to defend themselves then you know the media would be up in arms and crying each night about the unfairness of it and calling for heads to roll.

Imagine if this was about Obama and a Republican committee head, in the house addressing the public and the media had lied 100% about EVERYTHING the President had said, do you think the media would turn a deaf ear to it?  Schiff wasn't scolded or condemned by the media for doing that very thing.  If the whistleblower(s) are not really whistleblowers then what is an example of one?

In my mind someone like Eric Snowden or the recent person at CNN who came out with the undercover videos of CNN's President and what goes on over there.   Agree with Snowden or not he thought he knew about something that shouldn't be done and he revealed it as did the CNN whistleblower. Why are they, whistleblowers?  For one they lost a great deal by coming forward.  They also came forward on their own accord whereas the whistleblowers against Trump went to Adam Schiff and was counseled by him maybe to the point of drafting the actual complaint (concern).  A real whistleblower, most of them, come forward knowing that they will be revealed such that the urgency and importance of the revelation get credibility.  This cloak and dagger type is not a revelation but derived and conceived propaganda and conjecture and attempts to sour the public on Donald Trump without a revelation of who made the complaint.  Why?  Because they don't want the highly partisan background of the person to come out betraying the Democrats and their devious strategy to concoct something to try and get Trump on.  

Pertaining to the highlighted sections of your post...
Do you know who the whistleblower is? How on earth can you make such ridiculous claims as 'highly partisan background', 'Democratic mouthpiece/plant'?

Where's your proof of the claim 'the whistleblower against Trump went to Adam Schiff and was counseled by him maybe to the point of drafting the actual complaint.'????

How much money and how many investigations did Republicans have into Hillary? 7 different investigations and who knows how many millions of dollars.

Biggest Hypocrite of the forums strikes out again.

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