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Sestak cover up

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday he could “understand” if reporters thought he was responsible for keeping them in the dark about an administration position offered to Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) — but he had no immediate answers for reporters about details of the deal.

A reporter asked Gibbs why he wouldn’t discuss the offer over many months, even as the administration contended that nothing inappropriate had taken place. “I’d have to ask counsel for a better answer,” Gibbs said.

Last Thursday Obama said "his people" would have the information we have waited on for several months soon. The very next day his lawyers release a carefully worded statement. If they were as innocent as they claim why did this fester for weeks? Why could we have not heard it in Obama's own words the day before it was released - on a holiday weekend.

Who believes they sent a ex-president of the United States to offer a Representative a job that pays nothing to drop out of a Senate race? My bet is that Clinton had nothing to do with it and he is covering for Rahm Emanuel.

This is as dirty as it gets. They are using their influence to buy votes and fix elections and they are making up the most ridiculous lie to cover up for it.
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