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Reply to "Should Christians Refute False/Cult Teachings On Public Forums?"

Pup says:

BIIIIIG disappointment on that score. None of it still makes any sense to me-people have proven to me that they believe what they believe because they were taught to-and then they spend the rest of their lives trying to justify believing in what they were taught to believe until it all becomes rote and so 'normal' to them that 'it just IS and always was' and they no longer question it. (People remember best what they hear last and if they hear it ALL THE TIME, (every Sunday!/Wednesday!/Whatever!) relentlessly-it becomes truth because they can't remember anything else anymore. Bless their lil' hearts...)



That may be true for SOME, but a lot of us did as much heavy thinking before we came to our belief, as you did before you came to your lack of belief. Saying that all of us believe ONLY because we were taught to believe is neither accurate, nor does it make sense given what you have read from some of us here.


It is an oversimplification to assume we are all just brainwashed sheep. (I know that's the way you look at us.) There are a LOT of Christians who have done a lot of soul searching, and THAT is what led us to our faith.

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