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Reply to "Should Christians Refute False/Cult Teachings On Public Forums?"

Originally Posted by Road Puppy:

Sez Semi:



What Bill says doesn’t influence me or matter to me personally. What does matter to me is the people that may be reading his crap that could be influenced by it. If there is one person that could be going thru a trying time or searching for something, Bill’s words, which is condemning & without any kindness/love/compassion, could easily hurt someone deeply & make them distrust any Christian or non-Christian. Bill could cause that person to run as far in the other direction as possible.



Honestly, I think that anybody who would be deeply hurt by anything BeeG has to say prolly needs to grow a thicker skin.  But that's just my opinion.

  BeeG comes across to most as a fraud. We know it, He knows it.....I think he's just betting his god has a short memory.


Life's too short to be "plain."

Glad I could make ya smile.


Crusty: I don't lump all of the south into this lil' corner. I've been other places nearby and seen the difference. (All the cool, huge crosses sticking out of the mountainside in Virginia were pretty cool....I wonder how much THEY cost to build?)


I used to live in Florence a couple decades ago..I remember the "Fort God" mentality. The church fashion parades, the gossip, and the holy wars from when I was a kid.  West Virginians aren't much different, either-Just harder to understand when they get mad at each other.


I just remember where it's coming from.


O No!:  I don't lump all christians together as crazies.  One of my old childhood buddies from Florence recently stopped by my place for a visit. He's a Presbyterian minister and it doesn't seem to bother him one bit that I'm a heathen.  He looks at it the same way folks up north do-live and let live.


FV sez:


My take on religion and politics being more important in the South (but not all, as Crusty pointed out) is the ethnic makeup. We're mainly Western European, while many in the north are Eastern European and used to tighter reins on both church and government. In other words, we want our say, and by cracky we'll have it!


Huh...I'm not sure how ya figured that..


I'm almost Canadian by birthplace and my ancestors hail from England, Wales and Upper Hesse in central Germany. No Slavs, No Russians, No Bulgarians, Hungarians or any of those other "arians."  Ya don't get much more Western European than that.


Religion isn't hereditary.  None of us are born religious. We have to be taught that.


Unless yer fairly new to this country, I grew up under the exact same government that you did right here in the good ol' U. S. of A. 


(Side note.....I HATE when I type the word "same" and I look and see that I have actually typed "smae" and have to go back and fix it...  *stupid lysdexia....*)







Wonderful way to put it.  We aren't born religious.  We are taught whatever the ones around us in authority teach us.  It is up to us as we grow to figure out what we believe and what makes sense to us. If we just take others' word for what is right, wrong, and what kind of person we want to be and don't think for ourselves we aren't complete and might not become who we are able to be in my opinion.  That goes for politics, too.  You start out what is around and you slowly grow, try on different ideas, and hopefully you come out at some point with an idea of who YOU are and who you want to be.  It can take a lifetime, but it is worth the journey.


Side note...I hate that too.  I type teh allll the time and all kinds of other words, too.  It is truly annoying, and if you chatted with me you would need a

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